Nourish Ed

The NLPS Nourish Ed food security initiative provides support to the division’s schools to address food insecurity issues that students may be experiencing.

Hunger or not having access to nutritious foods can have a negative impact on student physical and mental health, as well as their ability to learn. Hungry students may experience an inability to concentrate or regulate. This can lead to behaviour issues, poor academic performance, and attendance issues. 

Providing students with access to nutritious food while they are at school can help address food insecurity. It helps to ensure that students are able to focus on learning and discovering their talents and strengths, instead of on their empty stomachs.

Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, Nourish Ed provides schools with the flexibility to provide programs that meet the needs of their school community. This could be a breakfast or lunch program, a milk program, providing healthy snacks throughout the day, sending food home with students on weekends, or something else entirely. 

To provide this support to our students, NLPS relies heavily on grants and donations from our partners and individuals in our communities. Supporting this initiative not only has an immediate positive impact on students, but is also a way to support the long-term health of our schools and communities.