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Green cleaning in NLPS

Over the next few months Northern Lights Public Schools will be making the transition to using green cleaning products in all of its facilities.

Leah Rout, Director of Facilities, says in addition to the health benefits for students and staff, the change will reduce environmental impact and costs for the school division. The green products being used are multi-purpose, so fewer products will need to be purchased.

The new green products were field tested at H.E. Bourgoin Middle School in Bonnyville and Glendon School last June and were well received by the schools' custodians and staff. They will be rolled out to other schools in the division over the next four to five months. 

The transition to green cleaning products is just one part of a larger strategy to positively impact health and wellness, improve efficiency,  and reduce costs by reviewing and where possible, improving custodial practices and standards in the division.