2023 Recipients
Brayden Torresan
The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees presented Brayden Torresan with a 2023 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, February 28.
“We are grateful for the time that Brayden has committed to supporting our athletes and sporting events in the Lac La Biche area,” said Board Chair Karen Packard. “His dedication to coaching, refereeing and mentoring our students is absolutely outstanding.”
Torresan volunteers year-round to support the athletics program at J.A. Williams High School (JAWS) in Lac La Biche, dedicating his time after work and on weekends to ensure students have the opportunity to experience and excel in sports. In addition to helping students develop their athletic skills, his work with students also highlights the importance of developing life skills such as healthy living, responsibility, time management, interpersonal skills and resiliency. He encourages students to focus on academics as well as athletics and promotes a culture of pride, commitment, and respect.
In addition to supporting JAWS athletics, Torresan also organizes and participates in community sports, fundraising and memorial tournaments, and drop-in events.
“Volunteers like Brayden are integral to our schools being able to offer athletics and extra-curricular opportunities for our students,” said Packard. “These experiences make a huge difference for our students and have a lasting impact on them throughout their lives.”
Brayden Torresan is one of three recipients of a 2023 Friends of Education Award. Information about all current and past recipients is available on the NLPS website.
The Dragonfly Centre

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees presented the Dragonfly Centre with a 2023 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, January 17.
“As one of our mental health partners, Dragonfly provides an invaluable service to both our students and staff through presentations, professional development, and the services they provide in our communities,” said Board Chair Karen Packard. “We appreciate their support for our schools and their ongoing commitment to expand their programming and work with us to support students.”
Dragonfly Centre Counselling and Support Centre provides education programs for students in Kindergarten to Grade 12 focusing on healthy friendships, healthy relationships, digital safety, sexual harassment, consent, boundaries, body awareness and more. Last year alone Dragonfly facilitated 187 presentations to over 4,700 participants.
In addition to student presentations, Dragonfly also offers programs for caregivers and teachers. Caregiver programs focus on increasing knowledge of child sexual abuse, digital safety protective meaures, and skills to create a protective environment for children. Teacher presentations focus on responding to disclosures, providing supports for children and family members who experienced sexual violence, and indicators of child abuse.
Since 2015, when it first started offering programming to schools, Dragonfly has significantly expanded their programming. They initially started with three education programs, one for each age group. Now there are over 20 specialized and age-appropriate programs in in-person and digital formats.
“Community partnerships are integral to being able to improve student mental health and wellness and offer programming that enhances the curriculum,” said Packard. “We are grateful to have Dragonfly as a partner and pleased to be able to recognize their efforts with a Friends of Education Award.”
"DCSC is committed to continue working with our friends at NLPS to empower children, families, and educators with knowledge that supports prevention and response to sexual violence. We value the relationships that give us a platform to create safe spaces for learning and conversation about an issue that impacts the health and wellness of our communities. We would like to thank NLPS for supporting educational programming that makes sexual violence a topic that students feel safe to talk about, and creating school environments where children and youth are encouraged to make safe choices, form healthy relationships, and understand how to access help and support if needed." - Mikaela Moulton, Executive Director
Inter Pipeline

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees presented Inter Pipeline with a 2023 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, January 17.
Inter Pipeline was nominated by Iron River School for its support of the school’s literacy and physical education programs. Over the past five years, Inter Pipeline has donated over $30,000 for the school’s Accelerated Reader Program, library books, reading incentives and celebrations, as well as sports equipment.
“We are grateful for the support provided to our schools and students by Inter Pipeline and we are particularly appreciative that they have chosen to partner with our smaller, rural schools,” said Board Chair Karen Packard. “Community partnerships like this are incredibly important in being able to provide enhanced learning opportunities to our students.”
Thanks to Inter Pipeline’s support, Iron River School was able to start an archery program. The company also makes annual donations to the school’s Christmas and hockey tournament auctions.
“They are fantastic people to work with and such a blessing to our school community,” said Iron River School Principal Dustin Blake.
In addition to its support of Iron River School, Inter Pipeline is also a generous supporter of Ardmore School as well. The company has sponsored the school’s annual Duck Race for many years and in 2016 became the naming sponsor for the event’s top three prizes, valued at over $40,000. Inter Pipeline also provides traffic control services for the race and brings fun prizes for children who complete the Duck Race Scavenger Hunt.
“Without Inter Pipeline, our duck race would be a fraction of the event it has become,” said Ardmore Principal Marjorie Charles. “We are extremely thankful for their continued support and sponsorship of our Duck Race.”
Inter Pipeline also supports APPLE Schools which is active in many of the division’s schools and promotes healthy eating, physical activity and improving mental health. Through its Discovery Awards program, high school students who are pursuing post-secondary studies in an industry-related field can apply for financial assistance.
“Inter Pipeline demonstrates a strong commitment to supporting children and families and giving back to the community,” said Packard. “We are honoured to recognize their contributions to our schools and the amazing opportunities that have been created for our students.”
"As a local Inter Pipeline employee and long time resident of the area, to be a part of important contributions like this that make a difference in a community where I’ve raised my own family means a lot. I am proud to see us continue to support initiatives like this that make a difference in the lives of students." - Allen Brundige, Inter Pipeline Supervisor Pipeline Field Operations
More information about Inter Pipeline is available at interpipeline.com
2022 Recipients

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees was excited to present the Bonnyville Friendship Centre with a 2022 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, March 29th.
The Bonnyville Friendship Centre supports students through a variety of programs and initiatives, including the Friends for Lunch program, which provides healthy lunch and snack items for students.
“Food insecurity can be a huge barrier to attending and fully participating in school,” explained Board Chair Karen Packard. “The Friendship Centre’s commitment to ensuring all students have access to healthy food throughout the school year is appreciated and makes a big difference in the lives of our students.”
The Board also thanked the Friendship Centre for the many other ways it supports NLPS students and youth in the community. This includes inviting students to participate in Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebrations, its free tutoring program, support for local graduates, mental health advocacy, cultural awareness presentations and workshops, and partnering with schools on student leadership and citizenship projects.
“The programming provided by the Bonnyville Friendship Centre truly reflects the needs of both our students and the community,” said Packard. “We are so grateful for the wonderful opportunities they provide for our youth to experience new things, learn, and contribute to their community.”

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees presented the First Nations Health Consortium with a 2022 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Monday, January 23.
The First Nations Health Consortium is a collaboration between four First Nations health organizations from Treaty areas 6, 7, and 8 in Alberta.Consortium staff work closely with our Student Services Coordinators to identify student needs and help compile the information required to submit applications to Jordan’s Principle to access funding to provide much-needed supports and services for First Nations students attending NLPS schools.
With the help of the FNHC staff, NLPS has secured funding to support over 120 students, with additional needs continuing to be identified. This includes purchasing AAC devices to help students communicate, providing educational assistants to work with students, accessing additional Speech Language, Occupational Therapy and physiotherapy sessions for students, transportation assistance, preschool fees, educational assessments, and more. These are services that NLPS would not be able to provide at this more individualized level in order to remove barriers to education without the support from FNHC and Jordan’s Principle.
“This collaboration is helping to address many of the barriers and gaps that affect student achievement and success for First Nations students,” said Board Chair Karen Packard. “Our staff are overjoyed to see the enormous impact these supports and services are already having on student learning in our classrooms and in the lives of students and their families.”
In addition to working with NLPS to address students’ school-related needs, consortium staff also work with parents and guardians to address other needs of the students or family. They help connect families to outside agencies, such as doctor’s offices and assessment clinics, assist with navigating children’s services supports, and help them apply for funds to cover things like child care, sports and recreation opportunities, and technology they can use at home.
“We are grateful for this partnership and the tremendous work FNHC staff are doing to support our schools and students,” said Packard. “We are excited about the opportunities this will provide for our students and the many things they will be able to accomplish as a result.”
The First Nations Health Consortium is one of four recipients of a 2022 Friends of Education Award. Additional awards will be presented at future board meetings. Information about all current and past recipients is available on the NLPS website.
More information about the First Nations Health Consortium is available at abfnhc.com.
More information about Jordan’s Principle is available at the following links:

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees presented Brian Deheer with a 2022 Friends of Education Award on Wednesday, December 14.
Mr. Deheer was recognized for the many hours he has volunteered to support environmental education at Aurora Middle School. Since 2013, he has assisted with activities that support the Grade 5 and Grade 8 curriculum, providing enhanced opportunities for students to learn about wetlands and watersheds.
“The hands-on learning opportunities that Mr. Deheer provides for our students are the types of lessons that students remember long after that particular unit is completed,” said Board Chair Karen Packard.
For Grade 5 students, Mr. Deheer runs a unit that culminates with a wetlands debate activity personalized to the wetland area at the school. Students have learned how to balance commercial development while preserving wetlands areas.
In Grade 8, students learn to become stewards for their local watershed and environmental leaders in their community. Mr. Deheer uses an interactive watershed table to introduce students to watershed and demonstrate how pollutants can enter the water system.
“Sharing his knowledge and skills with our students not only enhances their educational experience, it also helps our students develop into citizens who are aware of the world around them and the impact they can make,” said Packard.
Brian Deheer is one of four recipients of a 2022 Friends of Education Award. Additional awards will be presented at future board meetings. Information about all current and past recipients is available on the NLPS website.

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees presented the Cold Lake Public Library with a 2022 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, November 30.
The Cold Lake Public Library was recognized for the ongoing support it provides to the division’s students and schools, including hosting the Battle of the Books every year for students in grades 3 to 8.
“The library and its staff provide many important services to our students and their families,” said Board Chair Karen Packard. “Before our students come to us in preschool or Kindergarten, the library has often already played a role in introducing them to books and fostering a love of reading through programs like Rhyme Time and Books for Babies.”
The library staff enhance programming in schools by offering tours of the library and are always available to recommend new books or brainstorm options for students with specific interests. Many NLPS students benefit from the library’s services outside of school hours, using the resources available to research projects, access the Internet and complete their homework.
Battle of the Books brings together students from schools in Cold Lake for a trivia contest each year. Library staff volunteer their time to help with the competition which gets students excited about reading and expands their reading choices. The students often leave with new books to read and a new appreciation for literature.
“We are very appreciative of the work the library staff does to support our students and provide exceptional services and programming,” said Packard. “They make a huge impact on our students and the entire community.”
2021 Recipients

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees recognized B&R Eckel’s Transport Ltd. for their ongoing support of the division’s students and schools with a 2021 Friends of Education Award, presented at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, September 29.
“We greatly value the time that B&R and its staff have committed to our students and our division over many, many years,” said Board Chair Arlene Hrynyk. “They are always eager to get involved with initiatives that benefit our students and go above and beyond to provide support to our schools.”
For nearly a decade, B&R Eckels has transported the division’s Mobile Trades Lab to and from schools throughout the Bonnyville and Cold Lake area. This has allowed NLPS to offer hands-on welding programming to students at our middle schools and provide them with an introduction to the trades.
B&R was one of the partners who came together to establish the division’s Trades Exposure Centre, which allows NLPS to operate its service rig training program for high school students. The centre also hosts an annual Indigenous Trades Carnival and B&R has participated by sending equipment and staff to share information with students about different careers. In addition, B&R generously supports many school fundraising initiatives, providing financial support as well as in-kind donations. This includes everything from sending their big barbecue and staff to flip burgers and hot dogs at events, to sending a team to help move a sea can or relocate some equipment for a school.
“We are grateful for the multitude of ways that you continue to support our students and schools,” said Hrynyk. “Your support has allowed us to offer our students amazing opportunities and experiences that they otherwise may not have been able to access.”

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees presented the Bonnyville and District Centennial Centre with a 2021 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, October 13.
The Centennial Centre was recognized for its ongoing support of the division and its students, including being the home of students and staff from Bonnyville Centralized High School for two years while the school was being modernized.
“Ever since the Centennial Centre opened its doors, they have looked for ways to partner with us to benefit our students,” said Board Chair Arlene Hrynyk. “The staff at the centre are always welcoming and go above and beyond to make our programs and events a success.”
For 12 years, the Centennial Centre was the home of the division’s C2 School program which offered students in grades 3 to 7 the opportunity to come to the centre for a week and explore curriculum through unique hands-on learning opportunities. Students used the amenities at the C2 to learn about literacy, numeracy, science, health and wellness, citizenship and career preparation. This included everything from launching parachutes off the second floor to the hub below and cooking in the kitchen, to skating with the Bonnyville Jr. A Pontiacs and learning math by measuring the track or estimating the number of seats in the RJ Lalonde Arena.
At the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year, the C2 became home to the students and staff of BCHS while the school was undergoing a major modernization. Throughout the two years the school was located at the C2, the staff and board were gracious hosts and partners, agreeing to extend the lease when the renovations took longer than expected and delaying their own renovation plans to accommodate the school.
Les Parsons, the new General Manager of the C2 said, "I hear many positive comments about the great relationship between Northern Lights Public Schools and our Centennial Centre. Hats off to those who have worked together for the past 15 years to build this cooperative relationship that continues to benefit our entire community."
Parsons affirmed that hosting BCHS at the C2 for two years was an "absolute pleasure for the staff."
“Our partnership with the Centennial Centre is a great example of how schools and the community can work together to maximize opportunities for students,” said Hrynyk. “We look forward to many more years of working with the centre to create unique experiences for our students.”
2020 Recipients
The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees celebrated TC Energy and its contributions to the division’s schools on Tuesday, February 9 with the presentation of a 2020 Friends of Education Award.
“With this award, we are recognizing a true partnership between industry and our schools,” said Board Chair Arlene Hrynyk. “This is about more than a financial contribution made by a corporation, it is about celebrating a relationship and coming together as a community.”
TC Energy was nominated by Wandering River School, one of the division’s smallest schools. Several years ago, the company set up a work camp to house 800 workers in the small hamlet of 250 people. Representatives from the company approached the school and asked what they could do to help students. That was the start of the Fuel for Learning program at Wandering River School.
Once a week, employees from TC Energy delivered juice, granola bars, yogurt and cereal for students. When a wildfire swept through Fort McMurray, forcing the evacuation of 80,000 people, TC Energy offered the camp as housing for 500 people for six weeks. Wandering River School grew from approximately 20 students to 80 and TC ensured that all of the students received breakfast.
The company’s annual financial support has allowed the school to provide students with healthy options for breakfast including fresh fruit and yogurt, cereal and milk, juice, cereal bars, smoothies and even pancake breakfasts. Having breakfast together every morning has become part of everyone’s normal routine and staff and parents have enjoyed seeing the students try new things.
“We cannot thank TC Energy enough for the contributions they have made to the health and wellness of our students,” said Lisa Iversen, Principal of Wandering River School. “You are definitely a Friend of Education in our books.”
Wandering River School prepared a thank you presentation for TC Energy that was shared at the Board meeting. The presentation can be viewed HERE.
TC Energy has also supported Caslan School by contributing to its community playground fundraising initiative and adding the project to its internal giving site, providing employees with the opportunity to donate to the project as well.
“Our students are really excited about the new playground and how much fun they are going to have playing on it,” said David Skoglund, Principal of Caslan School. “We are grateful to TC Energy for helping us move this project forward for our students and the community.”
TC Energy is one of four 2020 Friends of Education Award recipients the Board is recognizing with Friends of Education Awards this year.
“For years, we’ve had the opportunity to partner with Northern Lights Public Schools and have seen for ourselves the incredible programming provided to students,” said Jeff Burke, TC Energy’s Director of Indigenous Relations. “Thank you for letting us play a part in making sure that your in your communities have what they need to learn, play and be active learners. We are honoured to accept the 2020 Friends of Education Award.”
“Community partners like TC Energy play a valuable role in supporting our students and our schools,” said Hrynyk. “They open doors to so many opportunities for our students that otherwise may not be available and they help us to address issues like health and wellness that impact students’ ability to learn. We are so appreciative of everything that they do for our students.”

Don and Tina Luciak were nominated for a Friends of Education Award by Glendon School in recognition of the contributions they made to the school and community for over 35 years.
Throughout their time volunteering at the school, Tina has fulfilled many important roles with Don as her silent, hard working partner. This includes serving as president of the parent council while her children were in school, tutoring students, and serving many, many meals to our students, staff and families. Don also took the training he needed to drive a school bus so he could transport students to sporting events and field trips.
In 2018 Tina took on the lead role of the school’s Apple Schools free hot lunch program. This included driving to St. Paul every Monday to collect and then deliver the Second Harvest food for the program. On Tuesdays, a network of volunteers that she cultivated, gathered at the school to wash, cut and prep the food, which was then turned into meals for students and staff for lunch on Thursday. Often Tina and Don donated ingredients to add to the meals so that students would have a variety of foods.
In March 2020, when schools were closed due to the pandemic, Tina made sure that all the food that was in the fridges and freezers at the school was distributed to families who were in need, personally delivering it to each home.
Tina also tutored many students and her interest in Special Education led her to attend conferences and seminars to support students. During many graduation ceremonies, Tina has been acknowledged and thanked by students for her support.
Tina is called “Baba” by many of the students and has built strong relationships with students, staff and families. She is generous in sharing her knowledge as a mom and her experiences as a nurse, and in discussing her life and her blessings. To quote from the nomination that was submitted, “The core of all her conversations were always focused on giving back, were inspirational and filled with hope. Her time, talent, knowledge, and passion was embedded in every story she shared.”
Tina and Don’s reliability and generosity have made a huge impact on Glendon School. In 2019, Tina won the large stocking that was raffled at the school’s Christmas conconcert and was full of hundreds of dollars worth of items. She gave each of her grandchildren one gift and donated the stocking and remaining gifts to a women’s shelter. This is just one of the many ways they set an example for students with their generosity.
What Tina and her late husband, Don, have provided over the years does not go unnoticed or forgotten.

The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees presented Kevin Biollo with a 2020 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, October 13.
Biollo was recognized for his more than 20 years of coaching middle and high school volleyball teams in Lac La Biche.
“We often say it takes a village to help ensure our students have the opportunities they need to learn and excel and Kevin is an excellent example of the impact our village of community volunteers has on students,” said Board Chair Arlene Hrynyk.
Biollo started out coaching volleyball at Dr. Swift Middle School and then followed his team as they moved on to play high school volleyball at J.A. Williams High School. In 2016 he took on coaching responsibilities for Aurora Middle School as well and coached both the middle school and high school teams until 2019.
Biollo is known as a coach who is deeply dedicated to his teams and students. To ensure he doesn’t miss a practice or a tournament, he reduces the amount of work he takes on during volleyball season so he is available in the afternoons and on weekends.
“Coaching a school team is a big commitment and many of our schools struggle to find people in our communities to take on coaching responsibilities,” said Hrynyk. “We are so grateful to Kevin for the amount of time he has invested in our students and ensuring that they have the opportunity to participate in school sports.”
The Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees recognized Gerry Zelinski with a 2020 Friends of Education Award at the Board’s meeting on Wednesday, October 13.
Zelinski was recognized for his long-term commitment to providing youth in the community, including NLPS students, with pre-employment skills and training.
“What Gerry has done for our students goes far beyond simply creating a program so they could gain some valuable skills,” said Board Chair Arlene Hrynyk. “His mentorship and his belief in our students and in their ability to succeed changed the trajectory of their lives.”
Before his retirement, Zelinski was the Youth Centre Educational Coordinator at the Cold Lake Native Friendship Centre. He recognized the need to gain pre-employment skills and education so he created a 10-week program and accessed government grants to run it. Twice a year, 15 students were given the opportunity to participate, including students from Cold Lake Outreach School.
In addition to learning about workplace expectations, career strategies and resume writing, students also had the opportunity to earn safety tickets and take driver’s ed. Zelinski also identified other programs that would help students develop their skills and worked to break down barriers that would possibly prevent them from participation. He worked with the school so students could continue earning their high school credits while taking other training. He also addressed financial barriers by removing the costs associated with earning tickets and completing courses, and helped students supplement their income so they could support themselves while training.
Zelinski also connected students with mentors in the community and introduced them to potential employers. This assistance with networking resulted in many students finding meaningful employment.
“It is so important for our students to know that there are people who care about them and are willing to invest time in helping them to succeed in life,” said Hrynyk. “There are many students who would not have reached their full potential without Gerry’s support.”
2019 Recipients

Mr. Charlton is a professional auctioneer who has volunteered his skill and expertise for the past five years to help make the North Star Elementary School Annual Art Auction and Exhibition an overwhelming success. This event has been instrumental in raising many thousands of dollars to support the school’s fine arts program thanks in part to the excitement Mr. Charlton generates among the students and families who attend the event.
Money raised at the event has helped the school purchase and use top quality supplies and materials for its Kindergarten to Grade 3 students. The quality and skill of the students’ work is impressive and showcases how making an investment in the arts reaps many benefits.
Mr. Charlton does not have children attending North Star, yet he is committed to the event and the school. He said said he would be disappointed not to be involved, as it is his favourite auction to call.
Without Mr. Charlton’s support, the students at North Star would not have access to the same quality of fine arts programming they have enjoyed, and would not have achieved the level of success and enjoyment they have experienced as young artists.

For the past five years, Dr. Al-Bekai has created an unforgettable learning experience for Grade 8 students at Aurora Middle School by closing his business for an entire day so they can learn about optics.
One hundred students rotate through three stations at Generations Eye Care throughout the day.
At the first station, students learn about the optical technology optometric assistants use to help diagnose eye issues. They get to see how a machine can read the size of their eye and how another machine can take measurements of the pressure in the eye. A real favourite of the students is when a machine zooms in through the pupil to snap a picture of their retina.
At the second station, students join Dr. Al-Bekai in his exam room to learn about near and far sighted vision, and what lenses can be used to correct vision problems. He also uses equipment so that students can see that up close a blue iris is actually lacking in pigment and is actually white, not blue!
At the third station, students actually make a real pair of glasses with the help of an optometric assistant.
These are engaging, real world, hands-on experience that are memorable and impactful for studnets. Without the generosity of Dr. Al-Bekai and his staff year after year, it would not be possible.

For the past three years, Kristen has been the program facilitator for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lac La Biche and area. She was a committee member for six years prior to that and is also a PAC member with Lac La Biche Aboriginal Head Start, and a member of the Kinette Club.
Kristen uses her wealth of knowledge and skills as a former Student Advocacy Counsellor and victim service advocate to create community engagement with hope and purpose for all, promoting volunteerism. Kristen organizes the pairing of mentors and mentees, with a focus on connection with adult, youth and children in communities.
Kristen works with Vera, Aurora, JAWS, Ecole Plamondon, Kikino, Caslan and our Lac La Biche Regional Outreach Schools. In the past three years, over 120 students have been involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters. The numbers have increased due to the leadership quality and benefits of the program, demonstrating improvement in education.
The partnerships and relationships Kristen has nurtured have led to the organization of some fantastic opportunities for students including Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser, Super Hero fundraiser, Pow Wow parade, Lac La Biche Spring Fair, community cleanup, and Festival of Trees. Many of the JAWS mentors have shown leadership by helping where needed in the school and community, going above and beyond what is expected. Being a mentor for Big Brothers Big Sisters is an asset on a job resume and has also changed the direction of career paths for some who did not initially have enough confidence to follow what they wanted.
Big Brothers Big Sisters strives to serve and give back to community, developing personal and character growth, such as skill building for confidence and self-esteem. Kristen has been an example to students of what a patient, positive, and genuine mentor is and is able to assist mentors in effective problem solving if an issue arises.
The skills learned in Big Brothers Big Sisters were evident in the student candidates for JAWS Grade 12 Citizen Awards last year. Almost half of the selection wrote about the impact Big Brothers Big Sisters had on their journey at JAWS. Two of the three recipients were involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Here is what one candidate wrote:
"Through my involvement in Big Brothers, Big Sisters, I’ve been able to have some awesome experiences with children that look up to you as a mentor and friend. It is as a result of this role that I have been able to do my best to instill positive virtues that may help to impact the children later on in life, and perhaps aid them in the future highs and lows to come. Through BBBS, I have helped my mentee with homework, reading practice and even in the interaction with other kids of his age."
2018 Recipients
Without fail, for the past 26 years, the firefighters from the Ardmore Fire Department have been an integral part of making sure the Ardmore School Duck Race runs smoothly. In the weeks prior to the race, they help clear the grounds by the river. And on the big day, they set up and organize the hoses in the water that catch the ducks, as well as providing support in boats on the river.
Every October, during Fire Prevention Week, the firefighters come to Ardmore School to teach fire safety and show the younger students the fire trucks. The students especially love having their turn with the hose.
In the winter, firefighters flood the skating rink on the playground and make sure it is cleaned of snow and maintained throughout the winter.
At the end of the year, Ardmore School holds a year-end water fight to celebrate reaching its Accelerated Reader goal. The firefighters bring a truck and set up a water slide for the event, as well as cooking hot dogs for the students.
Ardmore Fire Department also helps out with other school projects. For example, in 2015 student raised money to plant trees in the playground and the Ardmore Fire Department came and dug all the holes prior to planting and provided the water on planting day.
Over the last several years, every school in Lac La Biche, as well as students throughout Northern Lights Public Schools, has benefitted from the Brittons' generosity.
At the division level, Britton’s has been a sponsor of the NLPS Science Olympics for the last three years, providing financial support to offset facility rental costs, as well as all of the snacks and beverages for students and judges. In 2016 Bill Britton even delivered the entire order to Cold Lake! Britton’s has already committed to continuing its support for the STEAM Challenge in 2019. Thank you!
Britton’s is also part of the Tools for Schools initiative, a partnership between Northern Lights, Britton’s, Charlyn Moore from ReMAX and now Lac La Biche County. Every year, Britton’s hosts a barbecue to raise money for school supplies for students in Lac La Biche and the surrounding region.
One of the things that stands out about Britton’s is their willingness to step in and help when a need has been identified. For instance, when Vera M. Welsh’s garden shed was vandalized and most of the items were stolen or destroyed, it was Britton’s who stepped in and replaced many of the items at no cost to the school. When Aurora needed compost to fill the planting beds in its new growing dome, it was Britton’s who stepped forward to supply it. Time after time, when the Britton’s learn someone is in need, they step forward and help out however they can.
Britton’s has also provided snacks and bottled water for the PARTY program, barbecue supplies for the AMA Simulator event, and lunch and snacks for our Student Voice event.
Vera M. Welsh and Aurora receive a weekly supply of fruit at wholesale cost courtesy of Britton’s, and our Outreach Schools have also been provided with a discount for their food programs. Often this has provided food for students who otherwise may not have had a meal that day.
Through their community involvement and commitment to our students, Bill and Kalan Britton model the characteristics of good citizenship we wish to instill in our students. In addition to material donations, Britton’s provides our students with an opportunity to give back to their community in a variety of ways.
Each Christmas, Britton’s partners with J.A. Williams to host Cruisin’ for Christmas, which collects food for food banks in our community. In addition, though a carry-out program, students can help people out with their groceries with all tips being used for fundraising. Britton’s has also offered work experience opportunities to students at JAWS and Lac La Biche Outreach, often hiring students who had proved themselves when there was an available opening. As former Outreach Principal Karen Grygus says of Bill, “He befriended our students and gave them a hand up. He expected them to learn the job and was also there to encourage them. An amazing person!”
The Brittons are also heavily involved in other community initiatives including Light up the Night, KidSport, Northern Beat Dance Academy, the Lac La Biche and Area CHILD Coalition, Chamber of Commerce, Kinsmen and Kinettes and more.
As JAWS Principal Conal Donovan says in the nomination submitted to the Board, “The Brittons set the gold standard for community and school involvement and our students are reaping the rewards!”
The Cold Lake Veterinary Clinic was nominated by North Star Elementary’s APPLE Schools health facilitator because of the support Dr. Brooke Cory has provided to the breakfast program at the school.
Thanks to Dr. Cory’s generous support the school was able to offer breakfast for students three days a week, and expand what it was offering to include warm breakfasts, such as oatmeal and muffins. The funding provided also allows the school to provide fruit bowls around the school for students who may not have any fresh fruit in their lunch or for a snack.
In addition, the school has implemented monthly “taste tests”, giving students the opportunity try foods they may not have been exposed to at home. Hummus, plums and sweet potato were some of the ones tested last year.
2017 Recipients
The Land of the Lakes Recreation Board has served the Iron River community for over 20 years. Generations of families have served on the board to provide safe and caring experiences for youth in the community.
Land of the Lakes supports the following initiatives at Iron River School:
- Breakfast program;
- Free swimming lessons, including transportation, for all students;
- 20-foot Christmas tree every year;
- Flood and maintain the outdoor skating rink;
- Organize the annual winter picnic, which includes sleigh rides, tobogganing, sawing competitions, hot chocolate and hot dogs;
- Fine Arts Appreciation Grants that have support Artist in Residence programs and Alberta Opera; and
- Individual student grants that have allowed students to take part in activities such as a writer’s workship, hockey camp in Ukraine, wrestling tournament in Peru, and a youth social justice trip.
They also provide a baseball program, maintain the Manatokan Lake campsite, and hold community events such as a Canada Day oil-fashioned picnic.
The Kids Are Worth It Nutritional Program whas been operating for over 16 years, supporting Northern Lights school in Lac La Biche. Hungry students at Vera M. Welsh Elementary School, Aurora Middle School and J.A. Williams High School are provided with food every day through breakfast and snack programs. Over the years the program has served over 64,000 breakfasts, 35,000 sandwiches and more than 3,000 bags of apples, oranges and bunches of bananas.
Kids Are Worth It works with other community partners to ensure the sustainability of the program. This includes the Metis Nation of Alberta Local #2097, Cenovus/Pare, ATB, Festival of Trees, Sobeys, Hamar’s Groceries, Independent Foods, Access Pipelines and TransCanada. These partnerships and continued fundraising through raffles, cereal drives, and volunteering at community events, keeps the program viable from year to year.
The Board presented the Varughese family with a Friends of Education Award in memory of Trustee Tom Varughese. Tom began his teaching career with Northern Lights in 1974 and later became principal of Grand Centre Junior High. After he retired, he worked as a substitute teacher and later was elected to the Board of Trustees.
Tom was a mentor for many students and staff, leading by example and inspiring people with his positive attitude, compassion and love of learning. In addition to working with students in his role as an educator, Tom also volunteered as a soccer coach for many years, sharing his love of the sport and active living with youth throughout the commu
2016 Recipients
Laurent Marcil was nominated by Bonnyville Centralized High School for his many years of dedication to the school and its industrial education program.
Laurent currently works mornings (half time) at the school and volunteers his time in the afternoon. His dedication to the school’s industrial education program is second to none. Not only does he contribute to the core programs at the school, but he is always willing to help when something needs to be fixed or built.
Laurent has become known as “grandpa” at the school and is a great role model for students as he demonstrates the importance of giving back to your community. He is truly an exceptional person.
Plamondon Co-op was nominated by Ecole Plamondon School for their support and advocacy for the school and the community of Plamondon.
The Co-op provides support for many school initiatives including the school’s breakfast program, Terry Fox Run, reading program, student portfolio judging, work experience, school celebrations, and two scholarships for students.
RONA Cold Lake was nominated by Nelson Heights School for their ongoing support of the school’s curricular and extra-curricular programs.
Over the last few years, RONA has supported the school’s basketball program as well as their shop program. In 2015, RONA helped expand the Nelson Heights shop program to include a dremel work station. The school now has enough sets to allow each student to work on a project on their own. Students have had a great time learning about the equipment and using it to create their own projects.
The Village of Glendon was nominated by Glendon School in recognition of the ongoing support the Village council and its staff provide to the school. This support includes everything from painting crosswalks to supporting initiatives like the school’s Breakfast Program.
During the 2015-2016 alone, the Village paved over graffiti in front of the school; worked jointly with the school to address student driver issues in the Village; supported the school’s academic banquet; established communication channels that allowed the school to remain open during a water outage; supported the school’s Breakfast Program; supported the school’s Snow Angels program; and provided assistance and support for numerous school activities and initiatives.
2015 Recipients
Classroom Champions was nominated by Cold Lake Elementary School teacher Kate Pereira. In 2013, her classroom was selected as one of several across North America to take part in the Classroom Champions program. Classroom Champions pairs classrooms with Olympic athletes who teach students about things like leadership, goal setting, perseverance and living healthy, active lives. They provide each class with technology to allow them to interact with their champion throughout the year. Each month there is a new theme for the champions and students to discuss.
Cold Lake Elementary was paired with Olympic and World Champion speed skater Lucas Makowsky. The impact of program was immediate and enormous. Six year olds were setting goals, using vocabulary such as peserverance and defining themselves as champions. Parents remarked on the positive effects they were seeing at home and students were inspired by their mentor to try harder. The students created a video to cheer on Lucas at the Olympics and were rewarded with an in person visit from him at the end of the year. Lucas still maintains close ties to the school, checking in with the students from time to time to see how they are doing.
Year one was so successful that CLES was selected to participate for a second year and this time was matched with Paralympian Michelle Salt. Michelle challenged the students to become leaders and make a difference in their community. The students and the entire school participated in several community outreach projects as a result. She was so impressed with the students and school that she requested a special visit at the end of the year. The students were overjoyed to meet her and share with her how she had inspired them.
The students directly involved in the program became leaders in the school, sharing what they were learning in their classroom with other students. The entire school was motivated to read more through a reding program centred around the idea of the mentor travelling around a speed skating track the first year and a snowboarding trail last year. The more students read, the more the mentor moved, allowing the whole school to win various “prizes” along the way.
The Lac La Biche RCMP was nominated jointly by the Principals at Vera M. Welsh Elementary School, Aurora Middle School, J.A. Williams High School and Lac La Biche Outreach School for their involvement in the Lac La Biche schools and commitment to making a difference in the lives of students.
The Lac La Biche RCMP members contribute to safety in the schools by taking part in lock down practice drills, reviewing Emergency Response Plans, and doing seat belt, car seat and speed checks near schools over the years. Members also do regular walkthroughs of playgrounds and school hallways, building relationships with students and staff. They also participate in assemblies and community activities, such as reading at Tropical Day or taking part in Sports Fun Day.
Constable Chris Prospero has developed very strong relationships and rapport with students at Central and now Aurora by instructing the Grade 5 DARE program. He has often surprised students by stopping by and joining them on the playground or visiting them in the hallway. Students and staff very much appreciate his humour as well as his genuine and caring personality. Constable Chris Clark attended the Dr. Swift YAP overnight campout. Constable Trevor Cardinal issued a cereal challenge to the other Lac La Biche members for the Kids Are Worth It program, which feeds hungry students at Vera M. Welsh and Aurora.
At the high school level the RCMP serve in various capacities from supporting administration and student services staff to classroom instruction through guest speakers in the CALM programs. Members also encourage positive relationships with students and staff by participating in the noon hour intramural program.
Participation in our schools is more than a job for them – not only are they an integral part of the wrap around services we have to support our students, they are also community members who have a vested interest in helping our community grow. Through their actions, we know that our local members believe that change happens through education.
The Naim and Arabi families were nominated by Duclos School with the support of every staff member in the school. They were nominated for their conscious and sustained contributions to Duclos School and their focus on education, family, Recipient of the Premier’s Award for School Board Innovation and Excellence for our Literacy Programs community, active living and charitable acts.
The Naim and Arabi families have been involved as parent volunteers for bake sales, hot lunches, and other fundraising activities. Their Express Pizza restaurant has welcomed students on field trips to make pizzas, given classes discounts on pizzas or free pizzas for special events, and contributed annual donations to the school to purchase items for students. Purchases have included incentives for reading celebrations and treats for school Sports Day. They have also donated to the schools breakfast program.
The Naims and Arabis are not only kind and generous with Duclos School students; they also show appreciation for school employees. Whenever family members are in the school, they greet staff, ask how they are doing and thank them for their work. This may seem like a small thing, but it is significant to staff. Their positivity gives staff a boost of energy and lifts their spirits, which in turn benefits the students.
As business people in the Bonnyville area, the Naims and Arabis demonstrate leadership with their positive attitudes to NLSD schools, staff and education. In addition to Duclos School, the families also support many local charities and community events including Deeds Well Done, Santa’s Elves, ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Kids in the Kitchen at the Boys and Girls Club, Become a Community Builder and much more.
2014 Recipients
Located on the Kikino Metis Settlement, Little Angels Daycare is an integral part of pre-K education for children in the community.
The daycare provides students with the opportunity to become prepared for head start and/or kindergarten as they structure their day very similar to a full-time education program.
Children between the ages of one and five take part in pre-writing and pre-reading activities as well as hands-on crafts and exercise to promote and strengthen co-ordination.
Little Angels Daycare also offers before and after school programs for students attending the Kikino Aboriginal Headstart and Kikino School.
Lakeland Credit Union is active in our schools in the BonnyvilleCold Lake area through a number of initiatives.
Its Moonjar financial literacy brings volunteers into the classroom to help grades 5 and 6 students learn about the basics of money management. It teaches goal planning and budgeting skills, healthy spending habits and consumer responsibility, as well as community giving and volunteering. They also have a high school program that educates students on banking basics, the breakdown of interest, credit cards, loans, mortgages, credit ratings and more.
Over the last five years, Lakeland Credit Union has granted over sixty six thousand dollars in scholarships to students in the Bonnyville-Cold Lake area. They have also sponsored a number of school initiatives including Dare to Care and Santa’s Elves at Bonnyville Centralized High School, an anti-bullying session at Bonnyville Outreach School, the Building Bridges program at Cold Lake Elementary School and a number of playground projects.
The Lac La Biche Rotary Club is a longtime supporter of schools in the Lac La Biche area.
For the past three years, they have donated 100 books to 10 families through the “Be A Friend” book program at Vera M. Welsh Elementary School. Families are identified by teachers and all members of the family receive books to fill their shelves.
Each year, the Rotary Club provides two scholarships to graduating students. They also provide support for student activities, such as Recipient of the Premier’s Award for School Board Innovation and Excellence for our Literacy Programs sponsoring the Reach for the Top Team from Plamondon and sending students to citizen camps in Ottawa.
The Rotary Club also recently donated $30,000 to the Active Kids Society for the playground at Vera M. Welsh.
2013 Recipients
The Lac La Biche and District Music Festival Association was nominated by our Lac La Biche area schools.
As a volunteer organization, the Lac La Biche Music Festival Association supports and enhance the work that NLSD teachers do in their schools. Bringing in provincial adjudicators helps the stuents and teachers to learn and improve their skills. They also offer scholarships for individuals and groups.
The annual festival engages parents and the community in the Fine Arts and provides children with an opportunity to perfom and showcase their talent. Performances enhance self-esteem, and through practice, studnets are imprioving a lifelong skill - singing, choral speech, playing an instrument or dancing.
For its 40th anniversary, the Association collaborated with NLSD for one large final performance that combined the Festival's finale with NLSD's annual Fine Arts Showcase.
OSUM Oil Sands Corporation was nominated by Cold Lake High School for its ongoing support of initiatives at the school, including a partnership with its science department. An emphasis has been placed on providing students with opportunities to participate in hands-on activities and challenges to foster their creative thinking and highlight the importance of innovation in technology and problem-solving.
Osum and the Cold Lake High School Science Department have collaboratively planned several capacity-building experiences. This has included two-day innovation challenges with worldrenowned keynote speakers. This has already been successfully done twice. The first event focused on the Science & Innovation of Sport, the second event focused on The Science & Innovation in Hollywood Movies and Theme Parks; with this second challenge 0sum felt that it was important to include motivational speakers of aboriginal decent (Ashley Callingbull a Native Albertan Cree Model, Actress and University Student). It is planned that this school-wide experience will be held every two years for the remainder of the partnership in order to include as many students as possible from grades 9 through 12.
OSUM has also sponsored professional development opportunities for staff, field trips for students, solar panels for ht eroof of the school, and equipment for the school's science labs.
During the 2012-2013 school year Osum expanded their support of local science education, and met with all of the high school science departments in Cold Lake & Bonnyville to see how they could best support the different school communities. At Cold Lake High School the Osum CLHS corporateeducation partnership was further yet expanded to include sponsoring videoconferences with expert scientists. The first of these was held in November of 2012 with Mayim Bialik (Amy Fara Fowler from the TV series "The Big Bang"); she plays a neurobiologist on this TV show; however she is actually a neurobiologist. In this video conference she shared with the students her upbringing, about her childhood experiences in terms of her education, family background and being a child actress, and what led her to become a neuroscientist. She also shared about her current career as an actress, and work as a scientist and teacher. This was followed up by a Q & A session where students were able to ask her questions directly. All of the students who participated in this video-conference really enjoyed it and found it to be both educational and inspirational. This expansion of the partnership demonstrates the continued effort by both parties to evolve to best meet the needs of the respective school communities in new and innovative ways.
2012 Recipients
Cenovus Energy was nominated by Duclos School Principal Richard Cameron for the Roots of Empathy Program.
Cenovus contributed and supported the Roots of empathy program in the 2011-2012 school year which brought 8 programs to NLSD schools: Duclos Elementary, Glendon School, Cold Lake Elementary and North Star Elementary.
Roots of Empathy is a program designed to reduce incidences of marginalization, aggression and bullying in participating schools by focusing on social emotional learning. After a successful first year with positive results in the participating schools, Cenovus has committed to support the program for three more years!
Cenovus has been an important partner with Northern Lights since 2007, contributing across NLSD supporting a variety of initiatives. The benefits of their contribution can be measured by the accomplishments of the students and their teachers. Not only do the programs supported by Cenovus provide students with hands-on learning opportunities, but many of the projects also help make students aware of their role in helping make their community a better place.
Our second award recipient was nominated for a variety of projects and initiatives he has supported in our schools across the division. Ray Danyluk served as the MLA for Lac La Biche-St. Paul Constituency from 2001-2012 and was an integral part of numerous projects which have benefited the students in Northern Lights School Division.
Mr. Danyluk was instrumental in the construction of the new CTS lab at J.A. Williams High School and with his support and continued efforts NLSD is getting a new high school in Lac La Biche which will be attached to the Bold Center. Without his support and relentless championing of the high school project it would not have become a reality within the short time frame it has.
Mr. Danyluk has always been a passionate and strong supporter of Public Education and an even louder advocate for children and certainly modeled this passion for the students of Northern Lights School Division. He has always been approachable and visible with the Northern Lights school community and the LLB region. No conversation or idea was ever “off limits” particularly where students and community were concerned.
Ray Danyluk has proven to be a true and sincere friend to Northern Lights School Division. Although his presence and advocacy will be missed, he will never be forgotten for his work for our students.
Imperial was nominated by Cold Lake High School Vice Principal, Chris Holoboff for supporting the Education Partnership with Cold Lake High School.
Since its inception in 1996, the partnership’s success has depended on the active participation of the staff of Imperial Oil and the teachers of Cold Lake High School. The longevity of the partnership speaks to the commitment of Imperial Oil to help make education more relevant to students by providing opportunities for students to make real world connections. For over 16 years, it’s been a collaborative effort between education and business to help prepare students for the world of work and the partnership includes:
- RAP;
- Economics of Staying in School;
- Employability Skills;
- Science Literacy and Employability Skills Awards;
- Skills Canada;
- 4th Class Power Engineering Program;
- Support for Multi-Media projects; and
- Cold Lake Museum projects.
Imperial Oil Resources also supports our schools by providing funding for Energy in Action, The Mobile Trades Trailer, Student Leadership Conference and the new Recycle & Waste Management project at Cold Lake Middle School.
Our fourth Friends of Education Award winner was nominated by Vera M. Welsh School Council and Principal Dana Robb. Portage College was chosen for playing an integral part in the community of Lac La Biche.
Portage College always contacts Vera M. Welsh for student practicum placements. Everyone benefits when their students are helping our students and in the end, we have trained individuals who are hired in our schools to make a difference. Students have had extra support in the classroom, there has been more adults for children to talk to and share new ideas and students have learned new skills and gained a better understanding of FNMI stories.
The students have had opportunities to visit the college, tour the Native Cultural Arts Museum and also be included in their sports program with the Voyageur Hockey team. The partnership has been long standing and recently an educational Assistant and Native Cultural Arts practicum student completed their coursework and hours at Vera Welsh.
Portage College is in the education business! They invite members of NLSD to be a part of their advisory committees, they seek input into programming, the college supports many organizations like Hope Haven by hosting the Walk of Hope. (our students walk to Portage and then congregate at Portage College)
They are an integral part of our community in Lac La Biche and their annual Sports Banquet and Golf tournament have become highlights for community members. Portage College is a role model for all of us. In 2011 NLSD signed a Business Articulation Agreement with Portage College. The agreement will allow students enrolled in the NLSD Business/Entrepreneurship Foundations Pathway and/or Program Specialist Pathway to earn advanced credits through Portage College. This program alignment will assist NLSD students in making a smooth transition from high school to post-secondary education in a specified area of study. This is the fifth Articulation Agreement with Portage College and is part of an on-going partnership with the college. Along with the Career Pathways, Portage College also partners with NLSD on other initiatives such as: The Trades in Motion Mobile Trades Lab and the Youth Achievement Program.
2011 Recipients
Cold Lake & District FCSS was nominated by Cold Lake Off-Campus Principal Chris Vining.
Last year when it looked like Cold Lake Off-Campus and Bridges Outreach School would no longer be able to offer their successful Saddle Up for Success program, Cold Lake FCSS stepped up and helped the schools secure a $17,000 Community Development Grant to keep the program going.
The Saddle Up program provides students with the opportunity to work with horses. As the students develop new skills, they have to teach those skills to their peers. The program is therapeutic, hands-on and culturally sensitive.
The students work towards their Canadian Equestrian Federation Level 1, earn credits in Agriculture and Equine Care and work with a professional horse trainer. Students are also connected to postsecondary education through the Lakeland College equine program.
In addition to Saddle Up, Cold Lake FCSS also provided a grant to fund the school lunch program at Cold Lake Off-Campus.
As well, Cold Lake FCSS supports Northern Lights schools through a variety of partnerships, including funding for preschool screening, presenting parent education programs at our elementary schools and offering volunteer opportunities at the Parent Link Centre. Cold Lake FCSS is also the lead agency for Cold lake Bully Free, which hosts a Bus Driver Breakfast every fall, promotes Pink Day and organizes Bully Prevention Week.
Devon Canada Corporation was nominated by Central Elementary School Principal Blair Norton for the opportunities it has provided to not only his students, but students across the division.
Devon supports a variety of projects in NLSD schools including Green Learning, Seeds Water Challenge, Quest Theatre workshops, and Ducks Unlimited kits. They are also the corporate sponsor of the NLSD Division Science Fair.
In partnership with the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, Devon has also been a driving force behind several school beautification, outdoor classroom and tree planting projects at schools in the division – most recently at Cold Lake Elementary School and Iron River School.
In particular, Northern Lights School Division recognized the efforts of Tracey Thompson from Devon Canada. Thompson works directly with the schools to make sure they are accessing the programs available to them. She has also worked with schools to help them establish relationships with other companies in the area in order to access additional programming.
“If we have an idea and need support, Tracey is there to support us. Students do not always remembers the great math lesson taught in the classroom, but many students remember those special learning opportunities that happen outside of the classroom and this is what Tracey and Devon Canada have provided to our students,” wrote Norton in his nomination submission.
For over 20 year, the Kikino Métis Settlement Council has contributed to education not only at Kikino School, but to students attending J.A. Williams High School in Lac la Biche as well.
Kikino council provides speakers for school events and assists with curriculum. Elders ensure they attend many, if not all, school events.
The council has also worked with the school to develop an education plan and the goals in that plan have been met 100 per cent over the last six years. The council has also played a key role in develop curriculum support materials to expand the Grade 6 local government unit.
Kikino council also provides financial support for the school library, school supplies and field trips, including the annual perfect attendance trip to the St. Albert Children’s Festival.
Council also pays the school fees for students who transition to high school in Lac La Biche, and when the students graduate, the council helps them with the cost of attending post-secondary education.
The Municipal District of Bonnyville’s School Resource Officer Program received nominations from four Northern Lights School Division schools.
In 2007, the provincial government published 31 recommendations to improve community safety and reduce crime. One of the recommendations was to ensure that all schools have access to a school resource officer.
The MD of Bonnyville recognized this as an opportunity to provide a much-needed service to children and youth in the region. They offered to dedicate two peace officers to work full-time in schools in the Bonnyville-Cold Lake area so that all students would benefit from the program.
The program started in schools in January 2009. School Resource Officers Gord Brown and Trish Gillett, and interim School Resource Officer Chris Garner, provide a variety of programs and sessions at all grade levels at 14 NLSD schools serving over 3,500 of the division’s students.
Programs include the popular Crime Scene Investigation program, which links directly to the Grade 6 science “Evidence and Investigations” unit, and the Right Choices program for Grade 5 students that covers bullying and harassment, cyberbullying and Internet safety, alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, drugs and their effects, and peer pressure.
Sessions offered include Stranger Danger, Quad Safety, ATV Skills, Doppler Theory, Internet/Facebook Safety, Home Alone Safety, Hate Crime and Racism, and Bicycle Safety.
The officers also interact with students at a less formal level, taking part in field trips, visiting schools during lunch and recess and working one-on-one with students when requested.
Some comments from the nominations received: “The officer was very engaging and the kids were very interested and excited to use the hand-held radar. He also took students for rides in his patrol car and even turned on the siren and lights for them.” “When an incident occurs at the school and immediate support is needed, our School Resource Officer has committed to being there for us, even having to change plans at the last moment.”