Good News

There are so many amazing things happening in our schools each and every day!
Every month we ask our schools to share a couple of good news items to highlight what our students and staff are doing.

Good News - June 24, 2024

Please click on the picture to see the full presentation.

Please click on the picture to see the full presentation.

Please click on the picture to see the full presentation.

Please click on the picture to see the full presentation.

Click on the picture to view the presentation slides.

Click on the picture to access a downloadable PDF.

Click on the picture to view our presentation.

Click on the picture to see our highlights from throughout the division focused on Engagement. 

Please click on the picture to view this edition of Good News!

If you would like to see our Good News highlights from previous years, please visit our archives:

2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021