Kindergarten Registration
All Northern Lights elementary schools offer full-day Kindergarten programming, providing young learners with a strong foundation for success.
For more information on our programming, please check out our Kindergarten page.
When is my child eligible for Kindergarten?
The age of entry is 5 years of age by December 31 of the school year you are enrolling in. So to start Kindergarten in September 2024, students will need to be 5 years of age by December 31, 2024. The age of entry is the same for all school divisions throughout Alberta.
Want to confirm when your child is eligible to start Kindergarten? Enter your child's date of birth in our Kindergarten eligibility calculator below:
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on April 1!
Parents of our existing Care to Learn Preschool students will be sent an email informing them that a form has been assigned to them in School Engage. Please follow the instructions for Care To Learn Preschool students below once you have received notification that the form is available.
If your child is not currently enrolled in our preschool program, please follow the instructions for new Kindergarten students below once registration opens.
Note: Please ensure you are filling out the form for the correct year. We often have registration for the current year running at the same time as registration for the upcoming school year. If you fill out the form for the incorrect year, you will be asked to log back in and fill out the correct form.
Birth Certificates
Your child’s proof of age and legal name and proof of your address are required to register your child in Kindergarten.
For proof of age and legal name, we require a birth certificate, passport or citizenship document. If you do not have a birth certificate and your child was born in Alberta, you can download a form HERE, fill it out and take it to the local registries office to order one.
You must provide an Alberta address to register for school and that address must be located within the boundaries served by the school you are attending. If you do not have an Alberta mailing address, you may be asked to provide a utility bill, rental agreement or other similar document as proof that you reside in Alberta.
If we do not receive this documentation, we may not receive funding from Alberta Education for your child. The online registration form will allow you to upload a picture or scan of your child's birth certificate, passport or citizenship documentation. If you experience difficulty in uploading the documentation, please bring it into your school and our administrative assistants will be happy to scan it and add it to your registration information.