New Kindergarten - Grade 12 Students

2025-2026 Registration

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on April 1. Please ensure when you are registering that you are choosing the 2025-2026 registration form. If you complete a form for the incorrect year, the information cannot be transferred to another form and you will be asked to re-register using the correct form. 

Please note that you do not need to fill out a registration form if your child is already a student with NLPS. If you are transferring to a different school within NLPS, please contact your current school to have your information transferred to the new school.

If you already have other children enrolled in a Northern Lights school

  • Please register your new student by logging into your PowerSchool Parent Portal account and clicking on School Engage in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.
  • You will need to access the Parent Portal using a computer (desktop or laptop) in order to access registration forms. You will not be able to access the forms using the Parent Portal app.
  • If you do not already have a Parent Portal account set up, please contact your child's school and they will assist you.
  • Detailed instructions are included in our NLPS Registration Guide for Parents.

New to Northern Lights or returning to Northern Lights (no other children currently enrolled in our schools)

  • Please register using School Engage. If your child was previously enrolled in NLPS, you will already have a SchoolEngage account. Please do not create a new account, use your email address to sign in.
  • We recommend using a computer (desktop or laptop) to complete forms in School Engage. Forms can also be completed on a tablet, but are not mobile friendly and we do not recommend using a smartphone to complete forms.
  • Detailed instructions for registering through School Engage are included in our NLPS Registration Guide for Parents.

Completing the Form

  • Once you have accessed School Engage, please select the 2025-2026 K-12 Registration Form, fill everything out, and submit the form. If you require assistance with filling out the form, please contact your school. 
  • For tips on completing your registration form, please see the Tips for Completing Your Student Registration page.
  • Your child’s proof of age and legal name (birth certificate or passport) and proof of your address are required to register your child in Kindergarten. If we do not receive documentation, we may not receive funding from Alberta Education for your child. The online registration form will allow you to upload that information (a photo or scan of the document is acceptable). If you plan experience difficulty in uploading the documentation, please bring it into your school and our administrative assistants will be happy to scan it and add it to your registration information.

High School Students that are new to Northern Lights Public Schools should register online but must also make arrangements to meet with the school's guidance counsellor or principal to do their course selection and complete the registration process.

Birth Certificates

Your child’s proof of age and legal name and proof of your address are required to register your child.

For proof of age and legal name, we require a birth certificate, passport or citizenship document. If you do not have a birth certificate and your child was born in Alberta, you can download a form HERE, fill it out and take it to the local registries office to order one.

You must provide an Alberta address to register for school and that address must be located within the boundaries served by the school you are attending. If you do not have an Alberta mailing address, you may be asked to provide a utility bill, rental agreement or other similar document as proof that you reside in Alberta. 

If we do not receive this documentation, we may not receive funding from Alberta Education for your child. The online registration form will allow you to upload a picture or scan of your child's birth certificate, passport or citizenship documentation. If you experience difficulty in uploading the documentation, please bring it into your school and our administrative assistants will be happy to scan it and add it to your registration information.

If you are having any difficulty accessing our registration form or have questions about filling out the form, please call the school your child will be attending. The school's administrative assistant will be more than happy to assist you with completing the registration process.