NLPS Student Transportation is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year.
All students who want to take the bus to and/or from school need to complete an application form. The 2024-2025 Student Transportation Application Form is available in School Engage. Parents and guardians can access the form through the PowerSchool Parent Portal by clicking on School Engage in the lower left hand corner. Parents and guardians need to complete a form for each child that needs transportation services.
All families MUST register for student transportation no later than Friday, August 23, 2024 in order to be assigned to a route for the first day of school. Routes will be finalized following the close of registration on the 23rd and parents/guardians will be notified of their route, pick up and drop off locations between Aug. 26 and September 2nd. No route changes will be made that week or during the first week of school.
Requests for student transportation that are received after August 23 will be reviewed and assigned space on existing routes for the week of September 9th based on availability. Depending on the resources available at the start of the school year, some families may need to be placed on a waiting list.
The walk limits for Student Transportation Services have recently been changed. Students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 are now eligible for student transportation if they live more than 1.0 kilometres from their designated school. Students in grades 7-12 are eligible for student transportation if they live more than 2.0 kilometres from their designated school.
Fees are charged for in-town transportation (students who are ineligible for transportation funding) in the communities of Bonnyville, Cold Lake and Lac La Biche. Please note that in-town routes are subject to availability of bus contractors and drivers and students may be placed on a waiting list until space becomes available on an established route.
For the 2024-2025 school year, fees will be charged as follows:
Grade Level | Distance from Designated School | Fee (per year) |
Kindergarten to Grade 6 | Less than 1.0 kilometres | $500 |
Grades 7-12 | Less than 2.0 kilometres | $750 |
A fee will also be charged for any student who requires a seat on an second (alternate) route, unless it is required to comply with a custody agreement. The fee for this service for 2024-2025 is $500. Alternate route seats will only be provided if space is available on the alternate route and will be capped at one alternate seat per student.
Where fees are applicable, registration will not be considered complete until fees are paid in full or a payment plan is set up in School Cash Online. Fees are payable in up to four installments. January 1st will be the final installment date available. An automatic $26 non-payment charge will be added to your School Cash Online account if payment is rejected. If all non-payment charges and rejected payments are not received by January 31, the parent/guardian will be asked to withdraw their child(ren) from riding the bus.
Transportation fee refunds will be applied in the following circumstances:
- bus services are not available for a period exceeding two consecutive weeks (excluding holidays included on the NLPS calendar)
- there is a Division required school closure that exceeds two consecutive weeks (excluding holidays included on the NLPS calendar)
- the student riding the bus changes schools and does not require transportation to/from the new location
- the student moves and fees are not applicable at their new location
- the student moves out of district.
In the event a student is moving or changing schools, please inform NLPS Transportation as soon as possible.
Families who wish to apply to have their fees waived, should complete our Transportation Fee Waiver Form and submit it to our Transportation Department.
Student Transportation Guide

Our Student Transportation Guide outlines the responsibilities of students, bus drivers and parents, as well as general information about our busing service. Please view the guide or our Frequently Asked Questions for answers about the following: birthday parties and sleepovers; channels of communication; in-town busing information; school of choice information; and inclement weather information. Ensure that you read the brochure carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
Additional information is included in our Transportation Policy.
How do I know if buses are cancelled?
The best way to find out if your child's bus is cancelled or delayed is to download the Bus Status App and set up push notifications.
Here are the other ways we inform parents and students of bus cancellations:
- Bus drivers whose routes have been cancelled will attempt to contact parents/students.
- NLPS will post cancellations on our website: BUS STATUS
- NLPS may send out an automated call out through School Messenger to notify parents with a phone call, email or text. Parents may also receive a push notification through the School Messenger app.
- Cancellations may be shared on our Facebook page, and on our school Facebook pages.
Administrative Procedure 131 - Inclement Weather Disruptions to Transportation and Classroom Schedules outlines the difference between buses being cancelled, classes being cancelled and schools being closed. It is important to understand the difference so you know what to do when each of those scenarios occurs.
The Division believes the parent is the primary decision-maker for students and parents must ultimately decide whether or not they will send their child(ren) to school.
Bus Cancellations
Buses may be cancelled for a variety of reasons - mechanical issues, driver illness, weather, etc. In the case of inclement weather, our Transportation Department assesses travel safety by looking at road conditions and visibility; temperature and wind chill; as well as weather warnings and RCMP travel advisories.
Using this information, buses are cancelled when the outside temperature reaches -40 degrees Celsius or colder, or when the wind chill factor reaches -40 degrees Celsius and the air temperature is -30 degrees or colder, or when road conditions or visibility are significantly impacted by heavy snowfall, blowing snow, freezing rain, heavy fog or other circumstances.
When buses are cancelled, it does not mean it is a "no school" day. Classes will proceed as scheduled. If large numbers of students are absent due to bus cancellations, classes may be modified.
When buses are cancelled, parents need to report that their child will be absent so we know not to expect them at school. You have four options to report an absence:
- Use the School Messenger App
- Online: (or access through the Parent Portal)
- 1-833-288-7008 toll-free
- Call the school directly
Please note that unless otherwise indicated by your child's school, we do not monitor social media or email for absence notifications. If you report your child's absence using those methods, we may not receive it and you may still receive an automated message asking you to confirm your child's absence.
Class Cancellations
Classes are cancelled when the outside air temperature is at or exceeds -40 degrees Celsius, or the wind chill exceeds -45 degrees Celsius.
When classes are cancelled, buses are also cancelled. Schools remain open, but regular classes are not held.
When classes are cancelled, parents need to report that their child will be absent so we know not to expect them at school.
School Closure
School closures occur rarely and are usually due to fire, water damage or other hazards that prevent access to the school for a period of time.