Healthy Lifestyle

NLPS Developed Resources

Our Mental Health Team (Student Advocacy Counsellors and SFSK Wellness Coaches) have developed the following resources for our NLPS families:

Click on the picture to access a downloadable PDF.

How Long is Your Breath

Click on the picture to access a downloadable PDF.

A mindful breathing game to help practice taking nice slow, deep, controlled breaths.

Click on the picture to access a downloadable PDF.

Use this activity when you are eating a meal or a snack! Mindful eating helps you notice when you are full, gives you an awareness of the taste of healthy versus unhealthy foods, and supports better digestion. 

Click on the picture to access a downloadable PDF.

Click on the picture to access a downloadable PDF.

Set some physical activity goals and keep track of how many of each activity you are able to do during the week. See if you can increase how many you do each day!

Click on the picture to access a downloadable PDF.

Here is a sleep tracker for you to record when you fall asleep and wake up. It will help you to understand your sleep pattern, and how your rest is associated with how you are feeling. Maybe completing this activity will help you to realize it may be time to refresh.

Curated Resources

All of the resources below have been reviewed and recommended by our Mental Health Team (Student Advocacy Counsellors and SFSK Wellness Coaches).

  • doze: goodnight mind for teens
    Designed and developed specifically for young adults! doze is a free sleep self coaching app that aims to support you to achieve a better night’s rest. It enables you to better understand your sleep patterns and make changes for improvements. 

  • LIVE 5-2-1-0
    This app is designed for children aged 8-12 and their parents to build healthy habits by following the simple, yet effective, Live 5-2-1-0 message: FIVE or more vegetables and fruits, no more than TWO hours of recreational screen time, at least ONE hour of active play, and ZERO sugary drinks every day. Kids can set a goal, then choose fun daily challenges to work towards a reward!

    Yes, there’s an app too! Includes motivational content to help you stay active and healthy, workout videos and tips and tricks, and virtual team challenges.

  • Screen Time Widget
    A quick guide to reducing screen time produced by the CDC.

  • quitSTART
    Provides a free app to help you quit smoking with tailored tips and challenges.

Most of the books listed below can be requested at your local library or purchased at the retailer of your choice. Many are also available as audiobooks and we have included read aloud YouTube videos when available.

The Quest for Rest - Polly & Pickles

by Andrea J. Ball and Dr. Smith N. Naidoo
Part one is an imaginative and delightfully illustrated rhyming story that will motivate your child to take the lead in creating their own sleep habits and can be read aloud as part of a healthy bedtime routine. The second half highlights the value of sleep through science-based tips for parents, educators, and health care professionals.

  • Guided Mindfulness Meditations 
    BC Children's Hospital
    Mindfulness can be practiced in many different ways, and can be done at almost any time. Dr. Dzung Vo, Dr. Jake Locke, and Dr. Joanna McDermid from BC Children's Hospital have recorded some mindfulness meditations they use in the outpatient mindfulness groups at BC Children's Hospital.

Finding Calm - Body Scan Visualization Exercise

Finding Calm - Forest Visualization

Finding Calm - Guided Breathing

Healthy and Unhealthy Habits | Unhealthy Habits You Need to Break Now

How to Eat More Mindfully

How the Food You Eat Affects You Brain

How to Help Your Teen Get Enough Sleep

Sleep and Teens