From hiring to retirement, NLPS provides a continuum of resources and supports to teachers throughout their career. NLPS teachers are provided with many opportunities to expand their skills and embrace new challenges and roles to ensure that NLPS is a great place for them to work and for students to succeed.
Please note that hiring incentives are intended to apply primarily to teaching contracts that are a minimum of 10 months in duration. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the People Services department.
Reimbursements, Honorariums and Incentives
Effective January 1, 2024, NLPS is offering a variety of incentives for teachers who are new to NLPS to assist them with educational, relocation and other expenses associated with establishing themselves in their new careers.
Please note that unless otherwise mentioned, an individual can only access each of the incentives listed below once.
Individuals who are eligible for an incentive will be sent a form by the division's Human Resources department. If you believe you are eligible and did not receive a form, please contact Human Resources.
Relocation Grant
Northern Lights recognizes that teachers hired from outside of our communities will incur costs to relocate. The NLPS Relocation Grant is based on reimbursement of actual expenses up the maximum listed below and are based on where the teachers resides at the time of hiring:
- Up to $1,000 for teachers in Alberta residing within 400 kilometres of the NLPS community where they will be working;
- Up to $1,500 for teachers in Alberta residing more than 400 kilometres from the NLPS community where they will be working;
- Up to $2,000 for teachers residing in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, North West Territories or Yukon;
- Up to $2,500 for teachers residing in Ontario or Quebec;
- Up to $3,000 for teachers residing in Atlantic Canada or Nunavut;
- Up to $3,000 for teachers residing in the U.S. or other countries.
Examples of allowable moving expenses include:
- Travel expenses, including meals and lodging, to move you and members of your household to your new home;
- Transportation and storage costs for household effects;
- The cost of up to 15 days of meals and temporary lodging near either the old home or the new home;
- The cost of cancelling an unexpired lease;
- The cost of selling your former home, including legal fees and real estate commissions, as well as legal fees for the purchase of a new property, if you or your spouse or common-law partner have sold your old home because of a move;
- The cost of changing your address on legal documents;
- The cost of replacing automobile permits and driving licenses;
- The cost of utility hook-ups and disconnections.
Examples of moving expenses that are not allowed:
- Expenses for work done to make your former home more saleable;
- Any loss from the sale of your home;
- Expenses for house-hunting trips before the move;
- Mail-forwarding costs.
Claiming Meal Expenses: You may claim a flat rate of $23 per meal to a maximum of $69 per day per person without receipts.
Claiming Vehicle Expenses: To calculate your claim for vehicle expenses, multiple the kilometers you drove for your trips relating to moving expenses by the CRA kilometer rate for the province you are coming from.
Note: Additional costs incurred for relocation beyond the amount covered by NLPS can be used for income tax purposes.
Practicum Honorariums
NLPS appreciates the commitment Practicum Students make to developing their skills and serving students within the Division. We recognize that many students who choose to complete a rural practicum take on additional expenses associated with relocating and/or maintaining two residences if they must return to their post-secondary institutions at the completion of their practicum.
Effective, January 1, 2024, in an effort to offset expenses for practicum students, students who successfully complete a minimum 5-week practicum are eligible for a $1,000 honorarium, and students who successfully complete a minimum 9-week practicum are eligible for a $2,000 honorarium. NLPS recognizes that not all practicum placements meet the eligibility requirements. Students are advised to contact the Director of Learning - People Services to discuss alternate options.
NLPS offers the following incentives for teachers new to NLPS. Please note that staff can only access one of the incentives listed below.
Hiring Incentive
Teachers new to Northern Lights Public Schools may enter into an agreement to receive a $2,000 Hiring Incentive.
Funds will be distributed prior to the teacher's start date. One tenth will be forgiven each month and processed as a taxable benefit through payroll. In the event that employment is terminated, the outstanding balance must be repaid to NLPS.
Individuals may only qualify for this incentive once in their career unless any break of service in excess of five consecutive school years.
Contracted Practicum Students Incentive
In the event that a practicum student in their final year of an education program is signed to an open teaching contract and has completed a minimum 9-week practicum with NLPS, they will be eligible for an incentive of $3,000.
Funds will be distributed prior to the teacher's start date. One-tenth will be forgiven each month and processed as a taxable benefit through payroll. In the event employment is terminated, the outstanding balance must be repaid to NLPS.
Incentive for Returning NLPS Graduates and Current/Former NLPS Non-Certificated Employees
NLPS recognizes the value its high school graduates and non-certificated employees bring with them when they return to the division as teachers. NLPS graduates or non-certificated staff who return to the division to work as teachers are eligible for a one-time bursary of $3,500.
Funds will be distributed prior to the teacher's start date. One-tenth shall be forgiven each month and processed as a taxable benefit through payroll. In the event employment is terminated, the outstanding balance must be repaid to NLPS.
Beginning Teacher Support
Support for beginning teachers can be categorized into four components:
New teachers are guided through the ‘paperwork’ process, and are contacted by school administration to welcome them to the school.
Teachers new to NLPS are paid to attend a one-day orientation session prior to the start of the school year in order to build connections and participate in timely professional development to prepare for the school year.
New teachers participate in two PD Workshops/Call Back Days hosted by our Learning Consultants. New teachers are supported by the Learning Consultants throughout the year and are provided additional PD opportunities.
NLPS ensures new teachers are provided with Mentors to guide and support in the first year of teaching with the division. Mentors and new teachers are providing common collaboration time to facilitate mentoring activities.
Other supports for new teachers includes a pay advance in the first month of employment, opportunity to attend the ATA Beginning Teacher Conference, ongoing professional development, and the benefits of working in a vibrant and collaborative environment!
Staff Wellness and Learning
Healthy Living Initiative
As a Division, we place a high priority on staff wellness - in mind, body and spirit. The Division provides funding for staff for fun, interactive and healthy activities throughout the year. Schools promote healthy living by offering healthy food choices, sharing health information and providing fun activities for staff. Staff can also receive discounts at many local fitness and recreation facilities.
Employee and Family Assistance Program
Employee benefits include an Employee and Family Assistance Program, which is a confidential service designed to assist staff members and their dependents that are experiencing job-related or personal problems that affect work performance, family life and personal well-being.
Our school calendar has been created with student and staff wellness in mind. There are plenty of long weekends, two weeks off at Christmas, and a week off in the spring to give students and staff time for self-care and to allow time to travel during the holidays. To view our current and future calendars, check out our Calendar page!
Health and Wellness Spending Accounts
Staff can choose between a Health or Wellness Spending Account to receive reimbursement for health related or wellness related purchases. And, of course, staff are provided a great benefits package.
Professional Development
In partnership with our ATA Local, NLPS hosts a system-wide event called IGNITE where all division staff gather in one location to network, share and learn from each other, as well as world-renowned guest speakers. A large portion of the workshops are presented by NLPS staff, providing an excellent opportunity for teachers to share their expertise or to learn from their peers and colleagues.
Teachers are provided with numerous opportunities to participate in other professional development throughout the course of the school year, including four designated professional development days that offer a combination of division-based and school-based PD.