Already registered with NLPS?
- If your child is already a student with NLPS, a registration form is not required each year.
- If your child is moving to a new grade in the same school they will be automatically registered.
- If your child is transitioning from one school to another (elementary to middle or middle to high school), they will be automatically registered in the appropriate school according to NLPS boundaries.
- If you are moving to a different school within NLPS, please contact your current school to have your information transferred to the new school.
Student Update and Verification Form
In May, we will use School Engage to send families a Student Update and Verification Form that will allow them to update your contact information and review the information associated with their child. Alberta Education requires us to have this form on file for every student each year.
To fill out the form, you will need to log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account. If you do not already have an account set up, please contact your child's school and they will assist you.