Regional Scholarships and Awards

These scholarships are open to all students in NLPS. Please follow the instructions and links provided for more information and/or to apply for the specific scholarships.




Graduating high school students living with FASD

Sponsored by 
Lakeland FASD


Eligible students must be:

  1. Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  2. Living in the LCFASD Service area at the time of Graduation
  3. Currently in Grade 12 in an LCFASD Service Area High School
  4. Planning to attend a post-secondary program



July 31

Application Information Lakeland FASD Scholarship





Graduating high school students residing in the MCSNet service area.

Sponsored by 



You must be pursuing post-secondary education in Computer Science or related studies, and you must reside in the MCSNet service area.


Four - $1,000 scholarships


August 31

Application Information MCSNET Scholarship




Students entering their last two years of post-secondary studies or entering a program that is one or two years in length.

Sponsored by 

Northern Alberta Development Council


To be eligible to apply for the NADC bursary, you must:

  • Have been a resident of Alberta for 12 consecutive months before the start of your program,
  • Be enrolled or have applied for a full-time post-secondary program designated for provincial funding,
  • Be entering your last or second to last year of your post-secondary program in the fall,
  • Be in a program that is at least 12 weeks in length for a half bursary and 16 weeks in length for a full bursary, and
  • Not be in default of a provincial student loan.

up to $12,000 over two years and is non-repayable if you agree to live and work in the north.


Applications accepted between Jan. 2 and April 30

Application Information NADC Bursary





Graduating NLPS students attending post-secondary program in September

Sponsored by 
Northern Lights ATA Local #15


Accurate completion of the application form, letter of post-secondary acceptance, and a personal response essay no longer than 500 words on the required topic.


Three scholarships of $1,500
Each school may grant a scholarship to one of their students in the amount of $120


May 15

Application Information Northern Lights ATA Local #15





Students in RAP, dual credit and health services

Sponsored by 


Student interns in RAP, dual credit pathways, or health services


Multiple awards of $500


Not Specified

Application Information Careers Awards of Excellence





Rural students pursuing a post-secondary studies in an area relevant to local government and/or rural communities

Sponsored by 

Rural Municipalities of Alberta


An applicant must:

  • Be a resident of a municipality, which is a member in good standing with the RMA, including municipal districts, counties, specialized municipalities, and the Special Areas;
  • Be registered in his or her first four years of study at a recognized post-secondary institution (i.e. the applicant must not have any previous degrees or diplomas); and
    • Preference will be given to candidates attending a recognized post-secondary institution in Alberta, except in instances where the chosen program of study is not available in Alberta.
  • Be pursuing a course of studies of relevance to local government and / or rural communities;
    • This criterion is not intended to restrict eligibility; instead, applicants are invited to explain the relevance of their intended study program within their letter of application.



August 31

Application Information RMA Post-Secondary Scholarship Program





Lakeland student pursuing post-secondary education

Sponsored by 
Imperial Oil


• Must be a recent graduate of a Lakeland area high school (within current or previous calendar year)
• Must be enrolled as a first-year, full-time student at an accredited Canadian College or University (proof of acceptance is required)
• Program of study must be a minimum of two academic years




June 1

Application Information Billion Barrel Scholarship