Mental Health and Wellness Plan

Division Priority Two: NLPS Will Continue to Support the Improvement of the Mental Well-Being of Students

Our Priority

Northern Lights Public Schools is committed to supporting the improvement of the mental wellbeing of students. This priority was established by the Board after extensive consultations with students, parents, and staff. 

Our Outcome

Student wellbeing is intentionally reinforced through access to a variety of resources and supports.

Our Definition

Mental Health is a state of wellbeing in which every individual realizes their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can learn/work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their school/community. ~ Based on the definition from The World Health Organization ~

Plan for Implementation

Performance Measures

For this priority, the performance measures will include the Northern Lights Student Mental Health Survey. The survey is administered in the spring of each year. Some schools opt to provide supplementary surveys aimed at assessing the mental wellbeing and overall wellness of their students in addition to these measures. Mental Health Survey results are reviewed by school administration and further analyzed as teams at an administrative council meeting in the spring each year.


Strategies to provide supports for students in the area of mental wellbeing have been designated into three tiers of supports. Universal supports that benefit all students, targeted supports for students who need additional programming, and individualized supports for students who require targeted strategies to address their mental health needs. 

Professional Learning & Resources

Northern Lights Public Schools (NLPS) is committed to supporting student success through a comprehensive array of human resources. The division employs Student Advocacy Counsellors, Student Support Team Coordinators, the Director of Learning - Student Services, the Director of Learning - Inclusive Education, Learning Consultants, administration and teaching staff, and CASA Classroom staff. Additional support facilitated by NLPS and funded by external sources includes the Successful Families Successful Kids/Mental Health Capacity Building Team, which comprises a manager and five wellness coaches, and the Community Helpers Program Coordinator. Training opportunities will be provided for division staff in the area of mental health first aid.

The Pathways to Hope - Mental Health in Schools Pilot enhances the mental health support system with two psychologists, a mental health nurse, a mental health navigator, therapy support navigators, a mental health therapist, and professional practice leads in educational and mental health. This initiative also includes a CanReach trained physician, a consultation team, an assessment psychologist, an occupational therapist, a speech and language therapist, a multicultural family resource consultant, and a child psychiatrist. These professionals collectively ensure a holistic approach to student wellbeing and academic achievement.

Northern Lights Public Schools’ commitment to advancing Positive Behaviour and Intervention Supports (PBIS) in schools will remain steadfast. The division is continuing work with Tom Hierck to concentrate on universal initiatives across all school teams. Enhanced services and training on PBIS strategies will be provided to specific schools. 

The Northern Lights Public Schools and Bonnyville Primary Care Network (PCN) pilot ensures children receive quality mental health services and support across all stages and levels of care. This pilot will support student mental health. The program will optimize access and build the capacity of mental health resources for students within the community by eliminating barriers and expanding the full continuum of prevention and treatment. The partnership with the PCN ensures the following services for students:

  • Access to appropriate mental health resources
  • Mental health services that are currently not available in the community or school
  • Therapeutic interventions within the school and community
  • Navigation of procedural issues in receiving service
  • Individualized services

Northern Lights Public Schools has partnered with CASA (Child Adolescent Services for All) Mental Health in the implementation of a CASA classroom within H.E. Bourgoin School in Bonnyville. Commencing September 2024, this program will accommodate up to 12 students in grades 5-8 per semester within the Bonnyville and Cold Lake region. 

Mental Health Survey Data and Targets

NLPS Student Mental Health & Wellness Survey - Kindergarten to Grade 2

Survey Categories 2023 March Results agreed/ strongly agreed 2024 March Results agreed/ strongly agreed 2025 Targets
Student Potential: students feel encouraged to do their best 97.4% 97.8% 98%
Normal Stress of Everyday Life: students feel safe at school 91.9% 91.4% 92.5%
Ability to Contribute to Daily Activities: students feel safe talking to a grownup 90.9% 90.2% 91.5%
Ability to Learn/Work: students feel loved and enjoy their school community 93% 94.2% 95%

NLPS Student Mental Health & Wellness Survey Grade 3 to 6

Survey Area 2023 Results agreed/ strongly agreed 2024 Results agreed/ strongly agreed 2025 Targets agreed/ strongly agreed
Student Potential: students have the ability to understand and manage their feelings and are hopeful about the future 88% 81.4% 85%
Normal Stress of Everyday Life: students rarely need assistance to cope with and manage their fears and anxieties 50.2% 48.2% 45%
Ability to Contribute to Daily Activities: students can connect with a peer or adult to assist with managing problems 84.9% 78.7% 83%
Ability to Learn/Work: students feel they belong, are engaged, and can work to the best of their ability 90.8% 88.1% 91%

NLPS Student Mental Health & Wellness Survey Grade 7 to 12

Survey Area 2023 Results agreed/ strongly agreed 2024 Results agreed/ strongly agreed 2025 Targets agreed/ strongly agreed
Student Potential: students have the ability to understand and manage their feelings and are hopeful about the future 71% 73.4% 75%
Normal Stress of Everyday Life: students rarely need assistance to cope with and manage their fears and anxieties 42.8% 43.3% 41.15%
Ability to Contribute to Daily Activities: students can connect with a peer or adult to assist with managing problems 69.8% 71.4% 73%
Ability to Learn/ Work: students feel they belong, are engaged, and can work to the best of their ability 74.1% 74.4% 75%