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Shayden Fayant Recognised with Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Award

Northern Lights Public Schools is very pleased to congratulate Shayden Fayant, a Grade 11 student at Cold Lake High School, for his recognition as one of nine recipients of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Award. This award is presented to students who demonstrate outstanding determination, initiative, and resilience.

Shayden has consistently maintained a high academic standard and shown exceptional dedication to his education while overcoming significant personal hardships and challenges. His teachers have noted his impressive work ethic and strong commitment to his studies.

"Shayden is one of the most dedicated and resilient students I have ever met," said Teri Huntley, who teaches Social Studies at Cold Lake High School. "He is a hardworking and compassionate individual who serves as a role model to both peers and staff."

As a proud Métis student from Fishing Lake Métis Settlement, Shayden has been particularly keen to explore his roots through participation in Aboriginal Studies with Mrs. Huntley.

“He actively learned beading, sampled tree sap for traditional medicine, explored Indigenous treaties and languages, and gave his whole heart to learning. It can be a struggle for young Indigenous students to find themselves reflected in the curriculum of instruction, but Shayden actively engaged with the material and used it to enhance his understanding of history,” she said.

David Yoshida, another of Shayden's teachers at CLHS, remarked on his determination and positive attitude.

"When I read some of the criteria for this award—determination, initiative, independence, and overcoming challenges—Shayden came to mind immediately. I have taught for 32 years at Cold Lake High School and have never seen anyone like him. Here is a student who, in spite of his personal challenges, demonstrates incredible empathy, respect, consideration, and determination to excel academically. His commitment to education is incomparable," he said.

NLPS is grateful for Shayden’s resilience and dedication, and the impact he has had on his school community.