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Embrace the Journey: Navigating Transitions as the School Year Ends

In May, every school in Northern Lights celebrated the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Mental Health Week. “This year’s theme, #MyStory, emphasized the importance of storytelling to build connection and understanding. Storytelling is a fundamental part of being human and the reality of our mental health is found in our stories”. But remember, just because the week is over doesn’t mean the storytelling must end! Let’s continue to share our stories and elevate the diverse voices in our communities. In doing so, we can rally together to raise awareness of important issues in the mental health space” (Canadian Mental Health Association).


Change is inevitable for everyone. Sometimes change is slow and gradual; other times, it comes at you hard and fast. Changes can be small, like moving up to the next grade or getting a new puppy; but sometimes changes can be life-altering such as moving homes or schools, a birth, or a death. An important part of change is working through it using healthy coping strategies. Below are various resources to help you guide your child(ren) through different types of change. As we approach the end of the school year, please keep these resources in mind, as sometimes even small changes can cause big reactions and feelings in children. 


New events and sudden changes can be overwhelming, but the great opportunity to learn communication, self-regulation, and problem-solving skills comes with change.  If you need help with how to prepare your child(ren) for an upcoming change, have a look at this article.  It provides some great tips for preparing children for change. 


“Kids Uncomplicated: Coping with Change for Kids!” is a short and simple video for you to watch together as a family to help start the conversation around change and how to adapt. Kids Uncomplicated: Coping with Change For Kids!


Older students may find the video “3 Tips To Help With Transition - How To Deal With Change” helpful in understanding the strategies and attitudes they can adopt to navigate change successfully.


There are so many books out there that can support younger students and older ones on how to cope with change. Here is a  read aloud of “The Koala Who Could” for younger students:The Koala Who Could | TEACHER READ ALOUD


And for older students, here is a list of recommended books: 


Please note that some of these books may be located in your school library. Here is a link to all Northern Lights Public Schools libraries where you can check if a book is available in your school. Don’t forget to choose your school in the drop down box when searching. If the book isn’t available in your school library, try checking your local library where borrowing books is also free of charge!


Want to practice preparing for change in a fun way? Here is a game to try with your family - 


While there can be a lot of excitement about the upcoming summer holidays there can also be a feeling of apprehension, as access to the support services offered by the school are temporarily unavailable. Here is a link to province-wide supports that may be useful for families during the summer months 

For more resources, check out the Preparing for Change page of the NLPS website.

Have a fantastic and safe summer and we will see you in September!