Buses Cancelled January 17, 2025

Please be advised that all Northern Lights Public Schools buses are cancelled for January 17, 2025.
Schools will be open and regular classes will proceed. Programming may be modified if large numbers of students are absent.
High school diploma exams will proceed as scheduled for all students who can safely get to school.
If your child will be absent due to the bus cancellations, or for any other reason, please inform your child’s school. You can report an absence using the School Messenger app, at go. Schoolmessenger.ca or by calling your child’s school directly.
Safety is our top priority and we want to make sure that all of our students who plan to attend arrive safely. If you do not notify the school of your child’s absence, you may receive an automated attendance call asking you to call and confirm that they are absent.
Thank you for your co-operation.

Northern Lights Public Schools acknowledges that we are on Treaty 6 and Treaty 8 First Nations Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We honour the history and culture of all people who first lived and gathered in these lands and commit to enhance our relationship with one another. We acknowledge our roles as educational leaders to learn, teach and engage in the communities we serve. Our recognition of this land is an act of reconciliation and an expression of our gratitude to those whose territory we reside on or are visiting.

Division Priority One: NLPS will increase student achievement Division Priority Two: NLPS will continue to support the improvement of the mental well-being of students

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We pride ourselves on hiring highly qualified staff who are committed to student learning and development. We believe that providing staff with the support and professional development they need to enhance their skills and build leadership capacity has a direct impact on the quality of instruction in our classrooms and the success our students are able to achieve. NLPS is now offering hiring incentives for teachers new to the division. Check out our Teaching in NLPS section for more information.