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AP 341: Student Use of Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools


Northern Lights Public Schools recognizes that the use of personal mobile devices has increased significantly over the past decade and, although they can offer advantages within a learning context, they can also be distracting and diminish the privacy and well-being of students and staff.

In compliance with Ministerial Order #014/2024, this administrative procedure sets the restrictions that all schools within Northern Lights Public Schools must adhere to regarding the use of personal devices in the classroom. Establishing guidelines for personal device use in schools can help foster a more welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environment for students, parents, and staff.


Personal Mobile Device: includes any personally owned electronic device that can be used to communicate with or access the internet, Wi Fi, or cellular data network, such as but not limited to a cellphone, tablet, laptop, gaming device, headphones, or smartwatch.

Instructional Time: includes all time during a scheduled period when students are in the classroom or time outside the classroom when teachers take responsibility for ensuring that student learning activities are directed toward achieving the outcomes of approved programs of study and instructional support plans.

Non-Instructional Time: includes time during the school day when students are not scheduled to be involved in classroom or outside of classroom activities that are led with a teacher or other representative of NLPS. It also includes before and after school, breaks, and lunch while students are under the supervision of Northern Lights Public Schools’ staff. 

Identified Inclusive-Educational Need: determined through Individual Program Planning with the Student Support Team Lead, as determined by the school’s administration.

Social Media: includes any form of digital communication, involving websites, applications and virtual arenas, that enable users to create and share content online, and that enables any form of participation in electronic social networking; notably, but not limited to:

  • Social networking sites (e.g., Discord, Facebook, LinkedIn, X, Snapchat);
  • Video and Photo Sharing sites (e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Flickr, Vimeo);
  • Live streaming platforms (e.g., Facebook Live, Periscope); and
  • Blogs, specifically personal blogs that are intended for social commentary. 


  1. The security and storage of personal mobile devices are the sole responsibility of the owner/user. Northern Lights Public Schools and its schools assume no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, damage, repair, or replacement of personal mobile devices.
  2. Student Use of Personal Mobile Devices
    1. Kindergarten to Grade 6
      1. Students may not use personal mobile devices during the school day.
      2. Students may not access social media on school networks or on school devices.
    2. Grade 7 to Grade 12
      1. Students may not use personal mobile devices during instructional time.
      2. Students may not access social media on school networks or on school devices.
    3. Northern Lights Public Schools has a variety of grade configurations in schools and principals will have the discretion to determine which format of student use of personal mobile devices they will apply based on their grade configuration. Their decisions will be clearly communicated to students, parents, and staff.
    4. Travel to and from curricular and extracurricular activities, inside or outside the school day, may be included as instructional time. Principals shall apply their professional discretion as it pertains to the duration of the bus ride.
    5. Exceptions:
      1. Any student in any grade may be granted a limited use exception for medical requirements or for an identified inclusive educational need provided that the use is identified in the student’s IPP or medical plan. Each student’s use must be approved by school administration.
      2. Specific courses may require students to access personal mobile devices as part of the course curriculum or activity. In this event, exceptions may be granted with prior approval by school administration on an activity-by-activity basis.
      3. Specific courses or extracurricular activities (eSports) may require access to social media sites as part of the course curriculum or activity. In this event, exceptions may be granted to unblock specific sites to specific students enrolled in the course for the duration of the time required to complete the specific curriculum content where possible.
        1. Requests for exemptions should be submitted by the principal to the IT Helpdesk at least two weeks prior to the time required to unblock the specific site.
        2. Requests submitted to the Helpdesk will be forwarded to the Superintendent or designate to determine the educational need to unblock the site(s) to students. The Superintendent or designate will respond directly to the principal and Director of ET/IT as to whether or not the site will be required to be unblocked for the specific educational need.
  3. Storage of Personal Mobile Devices
    1. If a student has a personal mobile device with them at school during instructional time, they are required to keep the device on silent or powered off and stored out of view (school’s locker, student’s backpack or vehicle) as determined by the school administration.
    2. In the event a personal mobile device is confiscated by a staff member, the device will be powered off by the student prior to being stored in either the classroom or the school’s designated secure location.
    3. The confiscated device will not be powered back on prior to it being returned to the student or parent and content on the device will not be accessed or searched by school staff.
  4. Violation and Discipline
    1. If a student is found to be in violation of this procedure the following consequences will be implemented
      1. A verbal warning will be issued by a school staff member, and the student’s parent/guardian may be notified,
      2. Teachers or classroom supervisors have the ability to confiscate student personal mobile devices for the remainder of the instructional period/block, and parents/guardians may be notified,
      3. For repeated violations the student’s personal mobile device will be confiscated by a school staff member and stored in a designated place for the remainder of the day, and the parent/guardian will be notified by phone or email. The student may face suspension or expulsion for serious or multiple violations.
  5. Staff Expectations
    1. Staff are expected to provide clarity to students with respect to student limitations and exceptions in a manner that is consistent, and in accordance with the expectations established by the Principal.
    2. Staff are expected to follow  AP 350 – Student Conduct, in response to disciplinary matters related to this procedure.
  6. Parental Expectations
    1. Parents are encouraged to support school staff, in demonstrating an understanding to students, that the purpose of the Ministerial Order, and subsequently this Administrative Procedure, is to minimize distractions with respect to learning; notably
      1. Parents are encouraged to establish alternate communication plans, including the use of the school office phone, when emergencies arise;
      2. Parents are asked to encourage their child to adhere to the school’s personal mobile device procedures.
  7. Procedures of Communication
    1. The division will communicate, on an annual basis, an updated copy of this Administrative Procedure to parents/guardians.
    2. Schools will communicate their expectations as to student use of personal mobile devices and social media with students and parents.