PART A - Certified Staff
As the Division supports the concepts of lifelong learning and continuous individual improvement and as the Division wants to provide quality education, it is necessary for certified staff to stay abreast of current pedagogy and curriculum through professional development.
The Division believes it shares the commitment for professional development with the individual teacher and the Alberta Teachers' Association.
- Individual Inservice
- The School may provide release time for professional development activities as approved by school-based administration in conjunction with school goals.
- Every certified staff member attending a division or school-based administration authorized professional development or inservice activity will receive a salary and may receive subsistence/travel compensation as
established by Admin Council.
- System Inservice
- The Division will provide time for at least one annual system-wide Institute Day, on which each certified staff member and each school administration approved support staff member will attend workshops or seminars.
- The Professional Development Committee of the ATA Local will determine the location(s) of the Institute Day(s).
PART B - Support Staff
As the Division supports the concepts of lifelong learning and continuous individual improvement and as the Division recognizes that support staff is in integral part of our schools success, it is necessary for support staff to stay abreast of on-going changes in technology and other training through professional development.
- Individual Inservice
- The School may provide release time for professional development activities as approved by school-based administration in conjunction with school goals.
- Every support staff member attending a division or school-based administration authorized professional development or in-service activity will receive a salary and may receive subsistence/travel compensation as
established by Admin Council.
- System Inservice
- The Division will provide time for at least one annual system-wide Institute Day, on which each certified staff member and each school administration approved support staff member will attend workshops or seminars.
- The Division will continue to support and host the Support Staff Inservice held during the certified staff Institute Day(s)