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Policy Appendix N: Student Achievement Committee

The Student Achievement Committee is established as a standing committee of the Board, with responsibilities for work as detailed below:

  1. Purpose
    1. Review student achievement at all grade levels within Northern Lights Public Schools with the expectation that students are receiving excellent instruction and achieving at high levels.
    2. Review FNMI student achievement at all grade levels within Northern Lights Public Schools with the expectation that students are receiving excellent instruction and achieving at high levels.
    3. Address concerns, questions and/or referrals from the corporate Board regarding student achievement.
  2. Powers and Duties
    1. Promote and advocate that students receive a well-rounded program that includes academic, artistic, athletic, and career-oriented courses that challenge students intellectually and meet their diverse interests, needs and talents.
    2. Make recommendations and support students in receiving required specialized learning needs such as EA time, additional classroom supports or accommodations.
    3. Be advised of programs and supports that enhance student mental health and wellness and any measures which indicate improvement.
    4. Be advised of attendance trends and particular issues of note that impact overall student achievement.
    5. Recommend Locally Developed Course as proposed by administration, for Board Approval.
    6. Time Student Achievement Committee meetings to align with the accountability cycle, and the first draft of the Three-Year Education Plan, first draft of the Annual Education Report, local standardized testing and other measures meant to assure the Board and public that students are achieving at high levels.
    7. Link system and program needs to the budget process by identifying the funding required to meet objectives.
    8. Review system wide results and report back to the Board as required.
    9. Review strategies and timelines with administration for improving student achievement as directed in the NLPS Three Year Education Plan.
    10. Review strategies and timelines with administration for improving student mental health and wellness as directed in the NLPS Three Year Education Plan.
    11. Compile operational challenges with a view to creating Board position statements or political advocacy plans.
  3. Membership
    1. A minimum of three trustees
    2. Superintendent of School and/ or designate(s)
  4. Meetings
    1. Called in a timely manner by the Committee Chair or Administration to meet the needs for reporting. Minimally meet four times annually.