Policy Appendix N: Student Achievement Committee
The Student Achievement Committee is established as a standing committee of the Board, with responsibilities for work as detailed below:
- Purpose
- Review student achievement at all grade levels within Northern Lights Public Schools with the expectation that students are receiving excellent instruction and achieving at high levels.
- Review FNMI student achievement at all grade levels within Northern Lights Public Schools with the expectation that students are receiving excellent instruction and achieving at high levels.
- Address concerns, questions and/or referrals from the corporate Board regarding student achievement.
- Powers and Duties
- Promote and advocate that students receive a well-rounded program that includes academic, artistic, athletic, and career-oriented courses that challenge students intellectually and meet their diverse interests, needs and talents.
- Make recommendations and support students in receiving required specialized learning needs such as EA time, additional classroom supports or accommodations.
- Be advised of programs and supports that enhance student mental health and wellness and any measures which indicate improvement.
- Be advised of attendance trends and particular issues of note that impact overall student achievement.
- Recommend Locally Developed Course as proposed by administration, for Board Approval.
- Time Student Achievement Committee meetings to align with the accountability cycle, and the first draft of the Three-Year Education Plan, first draft of the Annual Education Report, local standardized testing and other measures meant to assure the Board and public that students are achieving at high levels.
- Link system and program needs to the budget process by identifying the funding required to meet objectives.
- Review system wide results and report back to the Board as required.
- Review strategies and timelines with administration for improving student achievement as directed in the NLPS Three Year Education Plan.
- Review strategies and timelines with administration for improving student mental health and wellness as directed in the NLPS Three Year Education Plan.
- Compile operational challenges with a view to creating Board position statements or political advocacy plans.
- Membership
- A minimum of three trustees
- Superintendent of School and/ or designate(s)
- Meetings
- Called in a timely manner by the Committee Chair or Administration to meet the needs for reporting. Minimally meet four times annually.