Policy 2: Role of the Board
As the corporate body elected by the electors and the ratepayers that support Northern Lights School Division, the Board of Trustees is responsible for the development of goals and policies to guide the provision of educational services to students resident within the Division, in keeping with the requirements of government legislation and the values of the electorate. The Board will work carefully to ensure that it is well-maintained, fiscally secure, and operating in the best interests of those we serve.
Specific Areas of Responsibility
- Accountability to Provincial Government
The Board shall:- Act in accordance with all statutory requirements to implement provincial and educational standards and policies.
- Perform Board functions required by governing legislation and existing Board policy.
- Accountability to Community
The Board shall:- Make data-driven decisions which reflect community values and represent the interests of the entire community served, from a long-term perspective.
- Establish processes and provide opportunities for community engagement.
- Report Division results at least annually.
- Develop procedures for and hear appeals as required by statute and/or Board policy.
- Model a culture of respect and integrity.
- Three-Year Education Plan
The Board shall:- Steward the Three-Year Education Plan
- Provide overall direction for the Division by establishing mission, values, vision, strategic priorities and key results.
- Annually approve Three-Year Education Plan process and timelines.
- Identify Board priorities at the outset of the annual Three-Year Education Planning session.
- Annually approve Three-Year Education Plan for submission to Alberta Education by due date.
- Monitor progress and achievement of student outcomes and other desired results as determined by the Board.
- Annually evaluate the effectiveness of the Division in achieving established goals and desired results.
- Approve Annual Education Results Report for distribution to the public.
- Policy
The Board shall:- Establish, maintain, implement and monitor policies necessary for fulfilling its responsibilities under Section 33 of the Education Act and in line with Policy 10 - Policy Making.
- Identify how the Board is to function.
- Superintendent/Board Relations
The Board shall:- Select the Superintendent and negotiate a contract pursuant to the Education Act and its regulations including Superintendent of Schools Regulation AR98/2019.
- Provide the Superintendent with clear corporate direction.
- Delegate, in writing, administrative authority and identify responsibility subject to provisions and restrictions in the Education Act.
- Respect the authority of the Superintendent to carry out executive action and support the Superintendent’s actions which are exercised within the delegated discretionary powers of the position.
- Annually evaluate the Superintendent in accordance with a pre-established performance appraisal process (as per Policy 8 - Section 4.9).
- Annually review the compensation of the Superintendent as required.
- Provide for Superintendent succession planning as required.
- Political Advocacy
The Board shall:- Develop a strategy for advocacy including focus, key messages and mechanisms, to be reviewed annually (as per Policy 8 - Section 4.7).
- Participate in provincial and/or national school board associations as deemed appropriate.
- Board Development
The Board shall:- Annually evaluate Board performance and effectiveness.
- Develop a plan to be reviewed annually for trustee development including increased knowledge of role, processes and issues to further the effective implementation of the Three-Year Education Plan.
- Fiscal
The Board shall:- Appoint a Secretary and a Treasurer or one person to act as Secretary-Treasurer.
- Develop and approve budget assumptions and establish priorities at the outset of the budget process.
- Approve the budget annually and direct resources to achieve desired results.
- Approve annually the Three-Year Capital Plan and Facilities Master Plan for submission to the appropriate ministry by the date due.
- Appoint the auditor.
- Receive Audit Report and Management Letter and ensure quality indicators are met.
- Receive a listing of monthly expenditures as information.
- Monitor fiscal management of the Division.
- Ratify Memoranda of Agreement with bargaining units.
- Receive a listing of the tenders for contracted work.
- Receive a listing of all leases and agreements.
- Approve substantive budget adjustments when necessary.
- Receive notification of all purchases over $50,000.
- Approve conditions of employment of employees/groups.
- Review and approve any supplementary pension plans for staff.
- Approve fees (as per Policy 17).
- Have a process for investment or borrowing of funds.
- Transfer funds to reserves.
- The Board shall:
- Acquire and dispose of land and buildings.
- Approve the annual calendar and modified school calendar.
- Approve locally developed/acquired courses.
- Provide for recognition of students, staff and community.
- Approve specific initiatives to be funded from the Board’s discretionary fund.
- Name schools and other Board-owned facilities.
- Make a recommendation for the dissolution of a School Council when deemed necessary.
- Develop an annual work plan.
- Set the mandates for negotiation.