The Board may delegate specific powers and duties to committees of the Board that are established by the Board, subject to the restrictions on delegation in the Education Act.
The Board may appoint Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees and shall prescribe their powers and duties.
Standing committees are established to assist the Board with work of an ongoing or recurring nature. Standing committees are usually appointed annually at the Organizational Meeting.
Ad hoc committees are established to assist the Board on a specific project for a specific period of time.
The Board may appoint trustees to represent the Board on various collective agreement committees, external committees, agencies and organizations. Such representation is established either in a collective agreement or at the discretion of the Board to facilitate the exchange of information on matters of mutual concern and/or to discuss possible agreements between the Division and other organizations.
- Committee membership and Board representation is identified at the annual Organizational Meeting and updated throughout the year by Board motion at a special or regular Board meeting.
- Committee meetings are not open to the public.
- Committees will typically meet within the first 60 days after the annual Organizational Meeting with a member of administration calling the first meeting and serving as the acting Committee Chair until a trustee is elected as Chair at the initial meeting. The Committee will review its terms of reference at the initial meeting and recommend any proposed changes to the Board for their consideration.
- All subsequent meetings are to be called by the Chair in consultation with committee members.
- The terms of reference for each new committee will be established by Board motion at the time of the formation and include:
- Name
- Purpose
- Membership
- Authority
- Areas of Focus
- Meetings
- Budget
- The terms of reference for each committee shall only be changed by Board motion.
- The Board Chair, when not specifically appointed to the committee, shall act as an ex-officio member, without voting privileges, of all committees appointed by the Board.
- The Superintendent may appoint resource personnel to work with committees and/or representatives and shall determine the roles, responsibilities and reporting requirements of the resource personnel.
- Committees shall be advisory unless the Board has assigned decision making powers. The Committee will make decisions by consensus; where consensus cannot be reached, the options shall be brought to the Board.
- Quorum for committee meetings is a majority of the trustees and any public members appointed to the committee.
- Voting members on committees are the trustees and any public members appointed to the committee unless otherwise stipulated in the committee terms of reference. The Committee chair or representative shall provide reports to the Board concerning the proceedings of committee meetings and recommendations for Board consideration once the committee has had the opportunity to review them.
Standing Committees
- CUPE Negotiations Committee (as needed) - see Appendix A
- Support Staff Terms of Employment (as needed) - see Appendix B
- Teacher-Board Liaison Committee - see Appendix C
- Support Staff Liaison Committee - see Appendix D
- Communications and Recognition Committee - see Appendix E
- Truth and Reconciliation Committee - see Appendix F
- Superintendent Evaluation Committee - see Appendix G
- Superintendent Compensation Committee - see Appendix H
- Audit Committee - see Appendix I
- Transportation Committee - see Appendix J
- Finance Committee - see Appendix K and L
- Board Policy - see Appendix M
- Student Achievement - see Appendix N
- Advocacy - see Appendix O
- ATA Negotiations (as needed)