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Policy 22: Board Supported Projects/Initiatives

The Board may promote system and individual excellence by providing financial assistance to support various innovative requests and initiatives that align with division priorities, enhance the culture and climate of schools, and/or create new opportunities for student success. Approved funds will be allocated from the Instructional Support budget. Projects that are considered an augmentation of regular programming will not be considered. Requests will not be considered for capital items or items that may require ongoing support, such as additional staffing, or items that are prohibited by regulations governing the use of instructional dollars. Parent fundraising societies shall retain the ability to support schools by funding items identified in current legislation, but the Board will consider enhancing projects at their discretion. 

The Board shall:

  1. Establish/review the Board Supported Initiatives Budget annually. Funding may not exceed $30,000, nor be carried over in subsequent years.
  2. Applications must be submitted by a semi-annual deadline of either October 31 or March 31. Applications will be reviewed twice annually; a maximum of 50% of the budgeted funds may be approved after October 31st submissions have been received, and any remaining funds may be approved after March 31st submissions are received. The maximum approval amount for any project or initiative will be $5,000.00. Disbursement of funds will be carried out by Division Administration.
  3. Receive an annual summary of all monies expended for Board Supported Projects/Initiatives in August.

Applicants shall:

  1. be students, staff supervisors for a student organization, and/or school councils of Northern Lights Public Schools;
  2. secure School Administration approval prior to submitting an application;
  3. demonstrate the educational value of the proposed project/initiative;
  4. provide a budget that includes anticipated revenues, financial partnerships, and expenses;
  5. include a timeframe showing completion or self-sustainment; and
  6. upon completion of the project/initiative:
    1. provide a complete financial accounting of all funds;
    2. may be required to make a presentation to the Board; and,
    3. be prepared to participate in appropriate promotional activities.
  7. An application form will be available on the website and will be reviewed by Division Administration before being forwarded to the Board. Requests that may normally be purchased out of school-based budgets will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Secretary-Treasurer.
  8. For the support of provincial or national competitions, please see the appropriate Administrative Procedure.