Board Elections
Trustee Karen Packard was re-elected Board Chair for the 2022-2023 school year.
Trustee Garry Kissel was re-elected Vice-Chair for the 2022-2023 school year.
Board Meeting Schedule
The Board reviewed the Board Meeting Schedule for 2022-2023 that it approved at a previous meeting. The Board will be piloting a new meeting structure for the first half of the year, with fewer Board meetings and the introduction of caucus (committee of the whole) meetings. This will be reviewed midway through the year.
Committee Appointments
Trustees selected which committees they will serve on for the 2022-2023 school year. Some committees will not meet this year and the work will be done in caucus meetings with the whole board instead.
A full list will be posted on our website: Board Committees
Trustee Compensation
The Board established an ad hoc committee to review trustee compensation, with the exception of mileage which will increase September 1 to align with Canada Revenue Agency rates. All other compensation will remain the same until the committee has completed its work and made recommendations to the Board.