Good News Items
- Vice-Chair Cheryl Edwards highlighted numerous events that have taken place since the last board meeting including IGNITE 2024, the Board's meeting with school councils, and the Alberta School Boards' Association Fall General Meeting. She praised H.E. Bourgoin School for its engaging Halloween activities, where staff and school council members distributed candy and connected with families. She also recognized Iron River School for an excellent Remembrance Day ceremony featuring 101-year-old veteran William McGregor.
- Trustee Garry Kissel commended Glendon School's Remembrance Day program, where every grade participated in a performance, followed by a community lunch.
- Trustee Roy Ripkens laid a wreath at Bonnyville Centralized High School's Remembrance Day ceremony and reflected on the impact of a Dieppe video shared with students, which drew comparisons between the young soldiers and the students' own ages.
- Trustee Blair Norton commended the Festival of Trees organizers in Lac La Biche. The event featured performances by students from Kikino School and Ecole Plamondon School.
- Trustee Debra Lozinski praised Northern Lights Outreach Schools for their thoughtful Remembrance Day ceremonies and highlighted a meaningful presentation at Caslan School by a local Korean War veteran.
- Trustee Lois Phillips was honoured to speak at the J.A. Williams High School Remembrance Day ceremony, which included local dignitaries and a bagpiper. She also participated in the Walk of Hope ceremony.
- Board Chair Karen Packard was attended Remembrance Day ceremonies at Art Smith Aviation Academy and North Star Elementary School, commending both for their heartfelt tributes to veterans. She congratulated the Bonnyville Friendship Centre for receiving a Friends of Education Award from the Alberta School Boards' Association.
- Nicole Garner, Communications and Public Relations Manager, presented Good News highlights from throughout the division. The full presentation is available on our website: Good News - November 27, 2024.
School Council Reports
The Board reviewed the annual reports submitted by School Councils, which detailed their impactful activities supporting students and schools. Trustees commended the school councils for their dedication and contributions.
Annual Education Results Report
Superintendent Rick Cusson presented the Annual Education Results Report (AERR). The AERR includes results related to the division's priorities as well as measures required by Alberta Education such as Provincial Achievement Test and Provincial Diploma Exam results and the Alberta Assurance Survey.
Highlights from 2023-2024 includes several staff and students receiving provincial and national awards, the intensive community consultation initiated by the Board, hosting two major career faris, addressing student feedback by increasing custodial time, and addressing a major flood at Ecole Plamondon School with minimal disruption to learning.
Cusson highlighted areas of improvement as well as areas that will require some attention moving forward. He also noted some trends that are impacting programming and some of the results. One notable trend is that high school students are taking longer to complete high school, often returning for a fourth or fifth year to earn their high school diploma or certificate of completion.
Partnerships have been key for NLPS in addressing the division's student mental health priority. A total of $3.6 million is being spent to address student mental health with some of that funding coming from specific grants that supports the Pathways of Hope program, Successful Families, Successful Kids, and Community Helpers. In addtion, NLPS allocates $2 million to ensure students have access to Student Advocacy Counsellors at their schools.
Early years numeracy and literacy assessments for students in grades 1 to 3 indicate that interventions put in place for students identified as being at risk resulted in gains for those students. The number of students requiring learning supports continues to grow, with approximately one-third of students supported by Individual Program Plans or Support Plans in 2023-2024.
Secretary-Treasurer Paula Elock noted that the cost of providing the resources and programming to address division priorities and support students has increased significantly over the past several years, without a corresponding increase in revenue from the provincial government. For instance, in 2018-2019 the Division spent $14,092 per student FTE. By 2023-2024 that had increased to $16,884, a difference of nearly $2,000. Funding from Alberta Education also increased from $13,301 per student FTE to $13, 818, or $517 per student FTE.
The full document is available on the division's website: 2023-2024 Annual Education Results Report.
Audited Financial Statement
Auditor Jeff Alliston from Metrix Group reviewed the Division's Audited Financial Statement with the Board. NLPS ended the 2023-2024 school year with a $2.9 million deficit, drawing down on the division's reserves to maintain services to students. Operating reserves, not including school generated funds, have now been reduced to $2.6 million, which is below the maximum allowed by Alberta Education.
The full Audited Financial Statement is available on the division's website: 2023-2024 Audited Financial Statement
Committee Terms of Reference
The Board approved amendments to the terms of reference for several committees of the Board. These will be updated as appendices to Policy 8 - Committees of the Board.
Election 2025
The Board passed resolutions appointing a Returning Officer and multiple Substitute Returning Officers, and setting hours for when nomination papers can be submitted in advance of the election in October 2025.
Clayton Bellamy Foundation Loan Guarantee
The Board approved a request from the Clayton Bellamy Foundation to guarantee a loan of up to $300,000 for the construction of the Strathcona Performing Arts Centre which is located at Bonnyville Centralized High School. This will allow construction to be completed while the foundation continues to secures sponsorships, grants and other funding.
Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement Letter of Support
The Board agreed to write a letter supporting Buffalo Lake Metis Settlement's advocacy efforts to have a school built on the settlement. They are currently the only Metis Settlement in Alberta that does not have their own school. The project is one of the division's priorities in its capital plan and the Board is committed to supporting Buffalo Lake in securing funding and approval for the project.
Lac La Biche County Highway 663 Letter of Support
The Board agreed to write a letter supporting Lac La Biche County's advocacy for improvements on Highway 663. The current condition of the road is causing damage to buses and creating safety concerns.