Good News Items
- Trustee Ron Young shared information about sessions he attended that focus on AI and noted it would be great to have a resource available outlining the pros and cons of the different AI tools that are available for teachers.
- Trustee Mandi Skogen commended the staff from Northern Lights Outreach schools and Cold Lake High School on the work they do to use Summer School to help students.
- Trustee Cheryl Edwards encouraged trustees to take the Indigenous Canada course available through the University of Alberta. She completed the course over the summer and said it was an excellent learning resource.
- Superintendent Rick Cusson congratulated Taylor Martin from Glendon School on being selected to serve for a second year on the Education Minister's Youth Council. Martin is one of seven students returning for a second year on the council.
Ecole Plamondon School Update
Secretary-Treasurer Paula Elock reported that repairs have been completed at Ecole Plamondon School and classes will resume as scheduled on September 3.
Over the summer, all of the flooring that was damaged in the flooding was replaced. The staff room flooring was also replaced so that it matched what was in the rest of the school. All walls that were damaged were repaired and painted. The millwork in the front office was removed and replaced.
The division and school are currently working together to replace contents that were destroyed in the flooding. This includes items from classrooms, the school's fitness room and the office. Some staff were also brought in early to sort through boxes that were delivered from the temporary locations students and staff were at last year.
Elock noted that the restoration included replacing the foundations pieces for millwork in several areas of the school. As some of that was decades old, the decision was made to replace it with new cabinetry. It will take several months for all of that to be replaced.
The Board approved a motion to commend NLPS staff for the work they did over the last several months to ensure that staff and students were able to return to school for the start of classes in September.
Assessment Update
Bill Driedger, Associate Superintendent - Teaching and Learning, updated the Board on the new Enhanced Early Years Assessment Framework announced by Alberta Education over the summer.
A new provincial assessment is being put in place for Kindergarten students and should be ready for school divisions to implement in January. Three assessments that were already in place for students in Grade 1 will continue, but they will be done at three different times of year instead of twice a year. A third assessment session will also be added for students in grades 2 and 3.
There are currently no assessments in place for students in grades 4 & 5. Alberta Education will be developing assessments in numeracy and literacy with implementation expected in the 2025-2026 school year.
Last year, the Grade 6 Provincial Achievement Tests did not include math or English Language Arts and Literature. Those assessments will return this year.
Alberta Education Funding Announcement
Secretary-Treasurer Paula Elock updated the Board on additional funding that was announced for school divisions from Alberta Education over the summer to help offset enrollment growth and unavoidable cost pressures including inflation. Northern Lights will receive a total of $617,321. The majority of that is an increase in base funding ($404.000), with additional increases for student supports and services ($211,000), and supplemental enrollment growth ($2,000).
The division will pass on some of those funds to schools, increasing their per student allocation by$20 per student for the 2024-2025 school year. The rest will be used to offset the division's projected deficit, which was set at $4.7 million.
Premier's Visit
Trustee Ron Young reported on the visit Premier Danielle Smith made to Cold Lake in July, which included a tour of Art Smith Aviation Academy. Young noted the division was fortunate to have a representative from base housing, as well MP Shannon Stubbs and MLA Scott Cyr in attendance to discuss the need to replace the facility as well as address other school infrastructure pressures in the City of Cold Lake through the division's proposed Cold Lake solution. Young noted everyone did a great job advocating for the project and emphasizing the potential impact on the schools and community if enrollments continue to grow without having the infrastructure needs addressed.
Meeting with Minister of Mental Health and Addictions
Superintendent Rick Cusson and Trustee Garry Kissel joined other Boards from throughout the region at a meeting with the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Dan Williams in July. They had the opportunity to discuss the division's new CASA Classroom that will open in September, as well as share challenges in providing mental health supports to students. Cusson said the dialogue was excellent and both the Minister and Deputy Minister were highly engaged in listening to the needs of students, families and the region.
Restrictions of personal mobile devices and social media in classrooms
Superintendent Rick Cusson shared the progress the division made over the summer in implementing new restrictions on the use of personal mobile devices and social media in classrooms. He noted that while the Ministerial Order comes into effect on September 1, school divisions have until January 1 to have policies and procedures in place.
For the start of the school year, students will not be allowed to use personal mobile devices during instructional time, and access to social media has been blocked on school division networks.
Cusson said a committee of school administrators will assist with drafting policy and procedures with more details about what full implementation of the ministerial order looks like in the division. For instance, he noted there are exceptions that can be made for the use of personal mobile devices. This includes health and medical needs, specialized student supports, and educational and other purposes. He said the committee will look at things such as what storage of devices looks like, what does "out of sight" mean, and what may fall under the "educational and other purposes" exception.