Northern Lights Public Schools is pleased to share its Annual Education Results Report for the 2021-2022 school year.
NLPS is required to compile and present this report to Alberta Education, detailing how the division is meeting the goals set for it by the Government, and how it is addressing priority areas identified with input from its stakeholders.
The mental health of students and staff was at the forefront for Northern Lights Public Schools in 2021-2022 as the division continued to navigate the challenges presented by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, including the effects that multiple disruptions to learning have had on students, academically, socially, and emotionally.
While students and staff continued to experience some disruptions to learning due to higher than average rates of illness and absence, this was on a more localized basis than in 2020-2021. Our staff need to be commended for their flexibility and commitment that ensured in-person instruction continued throughout the year in as consistent a manner as possible. Our schools were also able to reintroduce some school events and extracurricular activities, providing students with greater opportunities for socialization and creating a sense of belonging and community in our schools.
Our schools and the Board continued to engage stakeholders in conversations about education including an extensive Indigenous Student Voice consultation, a Mental Health Survey for families, and a student engagement to rebrand one of our schools that was experiencing configuration changes. We also continued discussions with our school councils and encouraged parent involvement with our schools whenever possible.
Beyond the results that are detailed in this Annual Education Results Report, what the Board and Administration of NLPS are most proud of is the resilience shown by our students and staff. The level of empathy shown to others, our ability to react and adjust quickly to changing circumstances, and our dedication to ensuring our students continued to have quality learning experiences despite the many challenges we encountered was incredible. These characteristics will continue to be important as we focus on addressing deficiencies created by COVID-19.
The full 2021-2022 Annual Education Results Report is available in the Accountability section of our website.