NLPS Resilience Award


This award is designed to encourage and recognize students who demonstrate growth and perseverance while pursuing their personal and academic goals.


Nominees must meet the following criteria to be eligible for an award:

  1. Must be enrolled as a student in an NLPS school in the year in which they are nominated.
  2. Must have a signed FOIP consent form on file authorizing NLPS to recognize them as a recipient of the award. 

Award Criteria

Nominees must demonstrate one or more of the following:

  1. Significant academic improvement or maintenance of academic achievement when faced with challenges;
  2. Growth in work ethic, attitude, and/or participation in their learning journey;
  3. Actions that are consistently responsible, caring and respectful;
  4. Perseverance in pursuit of their personal and/or academic goals;
  5. Supporting other students in the pursuit of their goals by modelling resiliency, perseverance, and dedication to achieving their goals.


NLPS will recognize a minimum of one student at each school on an annual basis. 

Nomination Process

Students may self-nominate or be nominated by staff, students, parents or community members.

Nomination packages must include:

  • A completed nomination form (see below);
  • A letter of nomination outlining how the student meets the criteria for the award (maximum of three pages)
  • A letter of support from an NLPS school staff member (administrator, counsellor, teacher, educational assistant, etc.) (maximum of three pages)

Nominations can be submitted online below, or downloaded and sent to Northern Lights Public Schools:

  • Emailed to:
  • Mailed to: NLPS Resilience Award Selection Committee, 6005-50 Avenue, Bonnyville, AB  T9N 2L3

Nomination Deadline

Nominations must be received by April 1.


  1. Nominations will be reviewed by the Boards’ awards committee prior to April 30th.  
  2. Schools and award recipients will be notified in May and arrangements will be made to present the award at a school assembly or awards ceremony.

NLPS Resilience Award

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