On Friday, May 3, the Northern Lights Public Schools Board of Trustees and ATA Local #15 celebrated the retirement of 10 division staff, including four administrators, and inducted six new teachers into the ATA at superhero-themed event RCMP Century Hall in Glendon.
"It's always an exciting time when we can gather together and celebrate the dedication and contributions of our retiring staff members," said NLPS Board Chair Karen Packard. "The teachers, educational assistants, and administrators being honoured tonight have spent their lives building relationships and improving the lives of their students. Like the fictional superheroes we look up to, these real-life heroes are inspiring and they have changed our division for the better."
The Board of Trustees was also thrilled to welcome Jason Schilling, President of the Alberta Teachers' Association, to the event.
"We were honoured to have Jason Schilling join us at the event," Packard continued. "His presence underscored the strong bond between all educators, and affirmed our shared commitment to advancing the quality of education for everyone."
The 10 retirees recognized at this year's celebration were:
- Petronella Bouvier - Division Office
- Mark Centazzo - Bonnyville Centralized High School
- Brenda Cote - Vera M. Welsh Elementary School, Lac La Biche
- Terry Kaminski - Nelson Heights School, Cold Lake
- Michele Nicholson - H.E. Bourgoin School, Bonnyville
- Heather Pshyk - Glendon School
- Melody Raffael - Aurora Middle School, Lac La Biche
- Brent Stasuik - Cold Lake Junior High
- John Waine - Aurora Middle School, Lac La Biche
- Rob Wicker - Vera M. Welsh Elementary School, Lac La Biche
Additionally, three other teachers were recognized for their special contributions to their schools and the division. Danik Becotte, from Cold Lake High School, was selected as the Board of Trustees' nominee for the 2024 ASBA Edwin Parr Teacher Award for outstanding first-year teachers.
Also from Cold Lake High School, English and Drama teacher Dana Schwab was recognized for her original stage production Heist Quest, which was the recipient of 2023 Pioneer Drama A+ Playwriting Contest award.
Finally, Leanne Jordison, who teaches Kindergarten at Duclos School in Bonnyville, was highlighted for her receipt of the 2023 Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence, which recognizes exceptional elementary and secondary school teachers.