Welcome to the final edition of Wellness Wednesday for the 2021-2022 school year.
This evening, we are hosting our first of a series of online learning sessions for parents and guardians that we are developing as a result of the feedback we received in our Mental Health Survey. The focus of the session is on Novelty Stress, which is stress related to new experiences. We hope you can join us for this session at 7 p.m. at the following link: https://meet.google.com/bja-dxek-eoe We are hoping to host one more session before summer and are planning regular sessions for the 2022-2023.
This month our Student Advocacy Counsellors and Successful Families, Successful Kids Wellness Coaches will be focusing on Preparing for Change with students in our schools. The end of the school year can be a stressful time for many of our students as they prepare for changes in their daily routines and new experiences over the summer, and changing grades and schools in the fall.
Our Mental Health Team has prepared a list of activities and resources that families can use at home to help students who are making transitions and dealing with change.
Preparing for Change Activities
- Taking Charge of What You Can Toolkit (Alberta Health Services)
This toolkit was designed during COVID, but the strategies are helpful for many other situations. Learn about behaviours that feed anxiety, how to manage worries, and other coping skills. - Worry Coping Cards (Therapist Aid)
Each card features a technique to help children manage their worries. - The Stress Stoplight (Successful Families, Successful Kids)
This exercise helps children identify what stress feels like, activities they can use to calm down and feel better, and what it looks and feels like when they feel more calm. - Change Is (plant, love grow)
Use this to help your child identify how change affects them and how they can deal with changes in their life.
Preparing for Change Resources
- Helping Children Deal with Change and Stress (Bright Horizons)
Learn how you can help your child cope with the big and small changes in life. Reduce your child’s stress and teach them how to thrive when change happens. - Things That Upset or Stress Your Children (Psychology Foundation of Canada)
An activity to do with your child to learn about what upsets them or causes them stress.
Upcoming Events
- The Art of Conversation (Lac La Biche County FCSS in partnership with Successful Families, Successful Kids)
Connect with a teen (13-17) in your life and spend time doing an art project while you learn about in-person communication.
This program will take place on Wednesdays in July (13th, 20th and 27th) from 7-8:30 p.m. at McArthur PLace. Register for one, two or all three!
To register, call 780-520-7183 or email christine.martin@laclabichecounty.com - Positive Parenting Program (Cold Lake Family Connections)
This program takes place on Wednesdays in June from 1-2:30 p.m. at Cold Lake Family Connections.
June 1 - Raising confident competent children
June 8 - Travelling in the car
June 15 - Fears
June 22 - Creativity
June 29 - Sport
Call 780-594-4495 for more information. - Adulting 101 - Public Speaking (The Hive - Bonnyville)
Learn tips and tricks for speaking in front of small or large groups.
June 8th and June 22 from 6-7 p.m.