Happy January to all and here is cheers to a great 2024.
We are now part way through the month of January and with this cold weather it sure has been challenging to get back into routine both at home and at school. No busses running and students unable to get to the school to check in with their teachers for support. This has been hard for our students and also for us, the staff. The Outreach staff have missed having our student in the buildings. We can not wait for the warmer and safer days, not only for our busses and drivers but also for each other. So HERE is a big shout out to our NLPS transportation department who are here every school day to make sure our students are able to get to school and then home safely.
As January 2024 unfolds, we embark on a journey of well-being that is tailored for all our students.
This month's theme is all about embracing a Healthy Lifestyle – making smart choices, staying active, and ensuring restful sleep. Mental health check in and sharing of information on mental health occur often in our school buildings and as needed or requested.
Some quotes on Wellness and Health:
-“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” – Robert Urich
-“There is no health without mental health; mental health is too important to be left to the professionals alone, and mental health is everyone’s business.” – Vikram Patel
-“The key to a healthy life is having a healthy mind.” – Richard Davidson
-“Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn
-“What mental health needs are more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close
As a reminder that on January 24 2024 is LETS TALK...with BELL
What is Bell's Let's Talk Day?The annual Bell Let's Talk Day and awareness campaign has become the world's largest conversation about mental health, encouraging Canadians and people around the world to talk and take action to help reduce stigma and promote awareness and understanding so everyone can get the help they need.
Talking is natural and sometimes we need to be encouraged to talk the hard talk topics, with each other on how we and others may be feeling and on mental health. The more open we are in talking to our youth, families and our friends about Mental Health it soon becomes easier to ask someone how they are really feeling and this makes sharing our own feelings easier. So just be straight and open up the conversation and just ask "how are you doing today" and follow up with more conversation on their answers.
Just know that we all go through times that are challenging. Starting a new year with last years things shadowing our wellbeing, losses that cause grief and the struggles to adjust and heal. Learning to make changes we may not want to do and asking ourselves how can we get over this and how do we move forward.
Let's talk, let's just talk. To someone you are close to and may understand, to a health professional who can assist us in how to cope. Take a breath, take a step and just keep moving you will get there and become stronger. Let's talk. Judy
Resource Roundup: Nurturing Well-Being
For more resources, check out the Healthy Lifestyle page on the NLPS website.
Reflecting on Last Month: Your Insights Matter!
In December, we celebrated the power of compassion. In the Outreach schools we are open and willing to engage with our students as needed whether it is academics, social skills, emotional wellbeing and relationship building. This provides growth and allows them to meet theuir
Nurturing a Healthy Lifestyle: Tips for Students and families
- Enjoy colorful fruits and veggies for a nutritious diet.
- Engage in physical activities you love every day.
- Create a calming bedtime routine for restful sleep.
- Practice gratitude for a positive mindset.
- Hydrate, breathe, and take breaks for self-care.
- Call someone special just to talk
- Allow yourself the right amount of sleep
Connect with Our Student Advocacy Counsellors: Here for You
Seeking guidance or want to discuss well-being? Our Student Advocacy Counsellors are here for you. Reach out at lora.harder@nlsd.ab.ca at the Cold Lake Outreach or call 780-594-6885. Reach out with crystal.anderson@nlsd.ab.ca at Lac La Biche(also Journeys and Crossroads) Outreach or call 780-623-2658. Reach out at judy.livingston@nlsd.ab.ca at Bonnyville Outreach or call 780-826-3111. We enjoy connecting with our students and parents/guardians whether by phone or in person give us a call.
Here's to a January filled with vibrant health, joyful exercise, and peaceful sleep. Let's nurture a healthy lifestyle and embrace the year with vitality!